Depression and a unsupportive family

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Depression and a unsupportive family

Postby Catlady29 » Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:47 pm

:? So I'm new here but feel the need to keyboard chat I can't sleep right now so hopefully getting some worries out of my mind will bring me sleep. I've suffered depression from the age of ten and up till a year ago kept it buried inside from everyone I know it has taken a long time for me to admit this but I am doing so much now to tackle it I feel it's tiny steps in the right direction however my close family members do not want to know or support me and blame everything on me and that tablets and counselling workshops are a load of rubbish. My son is living with his nan at the moment because of my depression but this is killing me in side I just want him home am I to blame for the lack of support I'm getting I don't know any more if I ran away or feel I would make alot of family very happy x

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Re: Depression and a unsupportive family

Postby DiegoArgentina92 » Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:53 pm

Hi, good luck,, its hard to believe, but family and problems doesnt get very well for lot of people, sometimes have close family is another problem to put in the list of problems, its absurd how people can be so incomprehensible and unsuportive. Try to do small steps as you said, and try to find moments to relax, stress is the worse. Good luck.

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Re: Depression and a unsupportive family

Postby Clayjars » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:19 pm

I'm sorry to hear your struggles. It's really hard when you're going though this alone, but some people just don't understand what depression is. I'm sorry that your family don't understand, but don't let that discourage you from seeking help. When I was struggling with depression, my parents didn't get it. They thought I should just get over it. I fought with them and tried to get them to understand, but it made things worse instead of better. My relationship with them just deteriorated and I hated them. But years later, when I recovered, I realized that my parents truly did love me but just weren't wired to understand what "depression" is. To this day, they still get funny looks on their faces when I share my depression stories.

I don't expect them to understand your situation. I don't think it necessarily means they don't care or love you, so please don't feel like you are unloved. If they are anything like my parents, they just don't get it & may never get it.
Expecting their support may only cause more resentment.

You are struggling and hurting. Work on that with your support group and therapist. What is burdening your heart and weighing your spirit down?

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