Just need a friend..........

Everyday life. How was your day?

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Just need a friend..........

Postby anxiety_reach » Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:37 pm


I only just joined this forum a couple of weeks ago. Made a couple of posts, and was fortunate enough to meet a couple of people with whom I conversed a few times via PM

Going off my meds is progressing.......a lot harder than I thought, seeing as the withdrawal symptoms are more severe than I'd anticipated. But, unlike the last time I tried this (2 years ago), this time I'm determined to go through with it!  Slowly, for sure. But, definitely plan on seeing this through.

To help me along, I've made some drastic changes --- I force myself to go out more (the real danger, as we all know, is in staying cooped up inside 4 walls).........I am engaging in as many sport activities as possible, even those that I'm not too fond of, as long as it keeps me occupied, and keeps my mind busy. I try to be home only at night, when I want to go to bed. 

All of this, however, is pointless if there's nobody to talk to. I don't have any close friends or family (which is why the years have been hard --- going through something like this alone is the worst). 

What I really need is a friend. Someone to talk to............someone who is either going through the same, or has been there, and knows what it's all about. 

I'd much rather use email.........or SKYPE..........or Whatsapp. A more direct and instant form of communication. I'm not looking for a lifeline, no. But, it would be great knowing that there is someone there who'll respond, even if all we have to say on any particular day is : "hello.  Sleep well?  How was your night/day?  What are you up to?  How do you feel today?"

Thanks (

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby Leanner25 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:01 pm

Hi hope ur ok what's ur name am Leanne I hope u had good day

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby anxiety_reach » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:08 pm

Leanner25 wrote:Hi hope ur ok what's ur name am Leanne I hope u had good day

Thanks so much Leanne. And nice to meet you

can we chat? I use SKYPE, whatsapp also.

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby Leanner25 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:09 pm

What's ur name first want to get to know u

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby anxiety_reach » Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:17 pm

Leanner25 wrote:What's ur name first want to get to know u

OK, sure. I'll PM you

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby AEM » Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:34 pm

Hi there. It sounds like you have a great attitude and are doing a lot of beneficial things to help yourself cope effectively with your depression. I am looking for support from people who understand the whole depression thing too. I think that it is much easier to discuss something like this with people who actually know what you are going through. Just know that you are not alone...there are so many people out there who can relate to what you are experiencing...you are not alone.

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby anxiety_reach » Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:47 pm

AEM wrote:Hi there. It sounds like you have a great attitude and are doing a lot of beneficial things to help yourself cope effectively with your depression. I am looking for support from people who understand the whole depression thing too. I think that it is much easier to discuss something like this with people who actually know what you are going through. Just know that you are not alone...there are so many people out there who can relate to what you are experiencing...you are not alone.

Sure :)

I'll send you a PM

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby Lety » Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:34 pm

I'm new this is my first post. I have a couple of friends that probably consider themselves to be close, but for me if I can't open up about depression and be able to reach out to someone when I feel like I'm disappearing from this earth, then that is not close.
I would like to chat with someone about how I'm feeling, I'll stay on and hopefully I'll get a response

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby anxiety_reach » Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:52 pm

Lety wrote:Hello,
I'm new this is my first post. I have a couple of friends that probably consider themselves to be close, but for me if I can't open up about depression and be able to reach out to someone when I feel like I'm disappearing from this earth, then that is not close.
I would like to chat with someone about how I'm feeling, I'll stay on and hopefully I'll get a response


I'll send you a PM

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Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:17 pm

Hi there and welcome to the forums.

It's sounds like your making friends already. That's really good. Do you know what kind of help you want here? You mentioned having someone to talk to. Is making friends another?

Your never feel lonely here. I can promise you that. Everyone's friendly and helpful and won't judge.

If you need anyone to talk to there's always someone here.

Look forward to seeing you around

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same here

Postby whyme87 » Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:56 am

I'm in a very similar situation to yours. I've struggled with both panic anxiety and depression as a result of me having PTSD. I'm also coming off of my medication, which I've been taking for about nine years. I know now that it's doing nothing but making my situation worse. Before I took anxiety medication, I had panic attacks and depression, and I probably could've benefited from some good one-on-one counseling. Sadly because of the state of healthcare in this country (USA), all I've been able to get is pills, pills, pills, and hardly any good counseling; I had an excellent counselor for about four years, I started making progress, and then she died suddenly. Then I got set-up with another counselor and once I finally started getting comfortable with her, she left her job and now I'm stuck with another careless state-appointed counselor at the outpatient clinic I go to. But anyways, I'll try to stay on subject here...

Now that I'm trying to get OFF of the medication, its main side-effects [on me] are shakiness, anxiousness, hot/cold sweats, and worst of all, and a kind of nausea that is absolutely hellish--essentially some of the very same symptoms I was having before I ever took the medication! Overall I'm feeling very frustrated and angry that a doctor kept me on this medication for so long, allowing my body to become so terribly dependent on it. It sounds to me like your situation is very similar to mine.

For about ten years--from the time I was about 18 to now (29yrs)--I have been struggling with doing every-day and/or "normal" activities. I'm particularly bad with obligations and social situations involving groups. I never used to have social anxiety before I began showing signs of PTSD; in fact I fondly remember having lots of friends when I was in school. But after I graduated from high school in `06 I moved away from all my friends (not my choice), and by 2010 I realized I had absolutely no friends--I mean none. Worse still, it was mostly my own fault and it's really affected my self-esteem. For years now, the only person I feel I can really talk to and who I know I can truly count on is my mother, and of course that presents a whole other set of problems (at least in our society).

I don't know exactly why, but a lot of people seem to love poking fun at the guy who couldn't hack it in "the real world" and is living with his mother at age 29 (e.g.: me). Even if they wont make fun of you to your face, the looks and the comments HURT, and before long you start believing what you hear. Being so dependent on medications and having your mother as the only person you know you can count on; people see you as an easy target for jokes, girls usually don't want to date you when they find out what your life is really like, and overall many people think you're simply weak and they treat you like you're too stupid to think for yourself. :cry: It's a truly terrible feeling to be "that guy". Nowadays I find myself avoiding just about everything and everyone, which is really unhealthy. I don't even go on facebook anymore because it just makes me feel depressed and--if I'm to be totally honest--jealous of other people's lives.

Well, I don't want to rant on & on since this post is about YOU! So, it seems like we have a bit in common..unfortunately. I've never even used any video-chat before (pathetic I know, lol) but I'd be willing to try it. I hope you find your way, and if you like, go ahead and put me down as a person you can PM. I'm just as good of a listener as I am a talker/typist. At the very least, know you're not alone in feeling the way you do. 8)

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Re: same here

Postby anxiety_reach » Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:44 am

whyme87 wrote:I'm in a very similar situation to yours. I've struggled with both panic anxiety and depression as a result of me having PTSD. I'm also coming off of my medication, which I've been taking for about nine years. I know now that it's doing nothing but making my situation worse. Before I took anxiety medication, I had panic attacks and depression, and I probably could've benefited from some good one-on-one counseling. Sadly because of the state of healthcare in this country (USA), all I've been able to get is pills, pills, pills, and hardly any good counseling; I had an excellent counselor for about four years, I started making progress, and then she died suddenly. Then I got set-up with another counselor and once I finally started getting comfortable with her, she left her job and now I'm stuck with another careless state-appointed counselor at the outpatient clinic I go to. But anyways, I'll try to stay on subject here...

Now that I'm trying to get OFF of the medication, its main side-effects [on me] are shakiness, anxiousness, hot/cold sweats, and worst of all, and a kind of nausea that is absolutely hellish--essentially some of the very same symptoms I was having before I ever took the medication! Overall I'm feeling very frustrated and angry that a doctor kept me on this medication for so long, allowing my body to become so terribly dependent on it. It sounds to me like your situation is very similar to mine.

For about ten years--from the time I was about 18 to now (29yrs)--I have been struggling with doing every-day and/or "normal" activities. I'm particularly bad with obligations and social situations involving groups. I never used to have social anxiety before I began showing signs of PTSD; in fact I fondly remember having lots of friends when I was in school. But after I graduated from high school in `06 I moved away from all my friends (not my choice), and by 2010 I realized I had absolutely no friends--I mean none. Worse still, it was mostly my own fault and it's really affected my self-esteem. For years now, the only person I feel I can really talk to and who I know I can truly count on is my mother, and of course that presents a whole other set of problems (at least in our society).

I don't know exactly why, but a lot of people seem to love poking fun at the guy who couldn't hack it in "the real world" and is living with his mother at age 29 (e.g.: me). Even if they wont make fun of you to your face, the looks and the comments HURT, and before long you start believing what you hear. Being so dependent on medications and having your mother as the only person you know you can count on; people see you as an easy target for jokes, girls usually don't want to date you when they find out what your life is really like, and overall many people think you're simply weak and they treat you like you're too stupid to think for yourself. :cry: It's a truly terrible feeling to be "that guy". Nowadays I find myself avoiding just about everything and everyone, which is really unhealthy. I don't even go on facebook anymore because it just makes me feel depressed and--if I'm to be totally honest--jealous of other people's lives.

Well, I don't want to rant on & on since this post is about YOU! So, it seems like we have a bit in common..unfortunately. I've never even used any video-chat before (pathetic I know, lol) but I'd be willing to try it. I hope you find your way, and if you like, go ahead and put me down as a person you can PM. I'm just as good of a listener as I am a talker/typist. At the very least, know you're not alone in feeling the way you do. 8)

I'll send you a PM

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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2017 4:01 pm

Re: Just need a friend..........

Postby Sasha » Mon Dec 25, 2017 4:04 pm

Pm me

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