Job loss and Depression

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Job loss and Depression

Postby BestofLife » Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:25 am

Just been out of a job, i meant its been more than 3 months:) i am not sure whether i am into depression, but for sure i feel low on confidence most of the time, i have stopped communication with my friends, this may be a temp thing. But while i was reading through some of the posts i realised that depression was something which was part and parcel of my life, through out my childhood i was not a confident kid - always confused with lower focus and lesser memory - almost passed in most of my classes - a typical average student.
i have been into 2 relationships, both started very well but could not take them for a longer duration, but the endings were traumatic and depressive.
Been married for 13 years now with 2 kids, but this job loss is causing similar symptoms to emerge. I know for sure that this is temp but going through my mind and its depressive thoughts over 100 days is taking a toll.
just sharing what i felt in no logical order.

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Re: Job loss and Depression

Postby Stickjwr1 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:40 pm

Hang in there. I have not been working for a month now. I'm felling anxiety and depression. I think it's because I'm not working. Are you on meds. Are you seeing someone. Maybe just getting a part time job will help.

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Re: Job loss and Depression

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:06 pm

Hi I'm sorry to hear how your feeling. Please believe me that your not on your own.

I can understand how losing a job can have so much an effect on you. You mentioned the symptoms of feeling down and anxious and not knowing where your life is going. It is a stressful time which can make things even harder.

Being unemployed is a pretty common thing. I know it don't seem like it but it is. There are a number of reasons why people are or have been unemployed. Sometimes you can't control these things. Most people can relate to you what it's like you earn a living.

Do you have anyone who you can talk to about your feelings? Is there anyone who you can relate to or have had experience with this? Would listening to others one on one help with what your dealing with? Just listening to someone else can really help what a person is going through and make it easier what they can do to change it.

I don't know if you are seeing a doctor or taking meds but that can help with how your feeling and can improve things in the long run. Having something to take the pressure off can make things a little bit easier which would be a good thing I'm sure.

The important thing to keep doing is talking and not bottle anything up. Keep reaching out. We're here.

I hope that helps

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Re: Job loss and Depression

Postby BestofLife » Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:58 am

Stickjwr1 wrote:Hang in there. I have not been working for a month now. I'm felling anxiety and depression. I think it's because I'm not working. Are you on meds. Are you seeing someone. Maybe just getting a part time job will help.

Thanks much Stickjwr1, am not on meds and not seeing a doctor, something is working out and hopefully soon i will be out of this mindset.

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Re: Job loss and Depression

Postby BestofLife » Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:01 am

Helloraspberries1 wrote:Hi I'm sorry to hear how your feeling. Please believe me that your not on your own.

I can understand how losing a job can have so much an effect on you. You mentioned the symptoms of feeling down and anxious and not knowing where your life is going. It is a stressful time which can make things even harder.

Being unemployed is a pretty common thing. I know it don't seem like it but it is. There are a number of reasons why people are or have been unemployed. Sometimes you can't control these things. Most people can relate to you what it's like you earn a living.

Do you have anyone who you can talk to about your feelings? Is there anyone who you can relate to or have had experience with this? Would listening to others one on one help with what your dealing with? Just listening to someone else can really help what a person is going through and make it easier what they can do to change it.

I don't know if you are seeing a doctor or taking meds but that can help with how your feeling and can improve things in the long run. Having something to take the pressure off can make things a little bit easier which would be a good thing I'm sure.

The important thing to keep doing is talking and not bottle anything up. Keep reaching out. We're here.

I hope that helps

Thanks so much Helloraspberries1, am not on meds and have not been to a doc yet, am hoping something will work out soon enough. But even though i am linking this with job loss, this kind of low feelings is on & off - i might need a longterm solution too, any advise is more than welcome here.

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