Some Poem I Wrote

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Some Poem I Wrote

Postby Joekababazae » Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:31 pm

The Pain:

A twinge of synapse, the tiniest change, ripples sent out, his future is set.

A strange behavior, abnormal condition, a desperate thought that there was hope for him yet.

An existence unstable, a comfortable lie, when asked of his psyche, they replied he was fine.

An invader takes root, blind to the pain, he quickly ordered the child to fall in line.

Time passes with unease, a worsening condition, disease poisoning a mind full of hate.

A new sun rises, shifting location, a different setting promised a clean slate.

Many ears were lent, professionals called, the boy still unable to vent his frustrations.

A situation crumbling, perpetual fear, they silenced his screams with many medications.

A surreal terror, constant agitation, columns of reason ripped from behind.

Trapped in his head, he thought only of himself, a worthless product of his broken mind.

Seen as a defect, he stumbled through life, mental wounds refusing to mend.

Stuck on this earth, forever a coward, in a daze he awaited for his untimely end.

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Postby 100footpole » Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:34 am

The lines:

A surreal terror, constant agitation, columns of reason ripped from behind.

Trapped in his head, he thought only of himself, a worthless product of his broken mind.

Resonate with me. My screen name comes from the Zen Koan ... Standing on a 100 foot pole which way do you step?

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