Why am I feeling like this?

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Down and out?
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:09 pm

Why am I feeling like this?

Postby Down and out? » Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:41 pm

I am new to this and it feels a little weird but I don't want to keep bottling my thoughts I feel I just need to at least write them on here
I come from a family of depression but I never thought I would fall into a slump.iv read many thoughts on these forums and I feel like everything people have wrote relates to how I feel at certain times. Going back 3 weeks ago I got the news that my sister in laws boyfriend who I have known for 5 years and was close with had committed suicide,when I found out more about the reasoning into why through what I had been told I started to realise most of what he was thinking and saying sounds a hell of a lot like what gos in and out of my head.Even before this happened I was having thoughts about doing the same thing it was just always there in my head when work or anything just got too much sometimes it wouldn't be anything I would just have horrific things going through my head.I would come home early from work like half way through the day coz I would just go into these stupid thoughts about...I hate to say it but dying and ways to do it.
Why is this happening I have a beautiful wife and 2 gorgeous boys a 4 year old and a 5 month old, I'm self employed it's not like I'm doing it tough I just want to go.I know this is not normal and It makes me so sad to think that if I don't do something about these feelings it could lead to something bad.i just don't know where to go or talk to I don't want to burden my partner because I don't think she will understand and I'm too embarrass to express my self to anyone else.
I need help but will I ever seek it?

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Location: Washington State

Postby 4EverMe » Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:41 am

Yes, you should seek help for not only yourself, but for your family...
Consider how much pain was left behind, (and obviously still is) for the act of suicide.

You DO need help. Throw away your pride, as you are not alone with these depressive/suicidal thoughts. If you were to end your own life? Imagine the sheer agony your family...your children would endure!
If you need help, there is nothing to be ashamed about. What would be a terrible shame is to neglect seeking help, and then it's too late! This is nothing to mess with. I've been there, myself.
All my best to you![/i]

Down and out?
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:09 pm

Postby Down and out? » Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:11 am

Thank you for your response,
For the last couple of weeks since the "accident" all I have been thinking about is my family and what the hell they would do if I was to go,the event brought a bit of light into the aftermath of suicide what people think and feel after such a tragedy the questions people are left with and the guilt. It made me think that I could never do this to them and I need to open up for there sake and mine.
I feel had my friend known too the situation people are left with and go through after he might have had second thoughts but deep down I know that it may have stopped him for only a short time and that he would feel that way again.thats why I am so confused and worried one day I will be fine and happy next day/week I'm feeling so low and sad and all I keep thinking about is how I could "go" and writing a farewell letter and what to write.
I just can't stop this thoughts.

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Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:50 am
Location: Washington State

Postby 4EverMe » Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:15 am

Good for you that you realize the repercussions of that act. Brings me some semblance of peace.

I still feel that some pschological help would benefit you, in this situation. Please don't shy away from it. As I told you, there is nothing to be ashamed about for receiving advice/assistance....

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Re: Why am I feeling like this?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:15 pm

Down and out? wrote:I am new to this and it feels a little weird but I don't want to keep bottling my thoughts I feel I just need to at least write them on here
I come from a family of depression but I never thought I would fall into a slump.iv read many thoughts on these forums and I feel like everything people have wrote relates to how I feel at certain times. Going back 3 weeks ago I got the news that my sister in laws boyfriend who I have known for 5 years and was close with had committed suicide,when I found out more about the reasoning into why through what I had been told I started to realise most of what he was thinking and saying sounds a hell of a lot like what gos in and out of my head.Even before this happened I was having thoughts about doing the same thing it was just always there in my head when work or anything just got too much sometimes it wouldn't be anything I would just have horrific things going through my head.I would come home early from work like half way through the day coz I would just go into these stupid thoughts about...I hate to say it but dying and ways to do it.
Why is this happening I have a beautiful wife and 2 gorgeous boys a 4 year old and a 5 month old, I'm self employed it's not like I'm doing it tough I just want to go.I know this is not normal and It makes me so sad to think that if I don't do something about these feelings it could lead to something bad.i just don't know where to go or talk to I don't want to burden my partner because I don't think she will understand and I'm too embarrass to express my self to anyone else.
I need help but will I ever seek it?

Suicide can get someone randomly, although feelings happen over time. You know what you have so keep them in mind. Live for them and love them and support each other. Negative feelings lead to depression which lead to suicide thoughts and feelings and then it leads to suicide. There is plenty of time to combat these thoughts and think about what you have.

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