Cafe Latte Therapy

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Cafe Latte Therapy

Postby Spleefy » Fri Aug 09, 2019 12:18 pm

"And God said: 'Let the earth beneath the heavens be filled with freshly brewed coffee.' And it was so." Actually, he didn't say that. I did!

Cafe Lattes are nectar of the gods! I make it a regular thing to go to the cafe to enjoy a freshly brewed latte. Some may call me a coffee snob. But I like to refer to it as "being selective." Some baristas aerate the milk, making it all bubbly. This is a no no. For the perfect cup, the milk needs to take on a silky smooth consistency with minimal bubbles. Others bring to you a latte that you can gulp down; while others will burn the milk and so the coffee taste bitter. But then there are those skilled baristas that make the PERFECT cup of coffee. Behold, the perfect latte...

This latte was from another cafe. It lacked the delicious and rich looking caramalised crema as in the first espresso, but it tasted delicious nevertheless...

Now for the overpriced but exceptionally delicious cafe brunch...

Then time to finish the job with some sweets. I think photo was taken on another day I went to the cafe.

I hope you enjoyed the cafe latte experience. We should definitely do brunch again and some Cafe Latte Therapy!

Let's take a walk to the lake to take in the views while our brunch and espresso settle. What do you say?

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