TheRealMe's Writing Pt.2

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TheRealMe's Writing Pt.2

Postby TheRealMe » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:48 pm

Lucy woke to a sharp ache at the back of her head, as she tried standing up she noticed the blood on her shirt, she touched the side of her neck were the bullet had grazed and felt the bandage that was covering the graze. Apparently the man who had knocked her out had taken enough care to know that her injury needed to be taken care of.

As she remembered the events which led to being where she was Lucy looked around the room and noticed that there were no windows and only a single door. No doubt it would be locked from the outside, still Lucy had to try and she was surprised that when she tried turning the handle the door was indeed open. As she opened the door she noticed that it was one of five that were all connected. The first door she tried was locked, as were the other two that she tried. As she went to try the last door she was about to turn the handle when she heard a man’s screams coming from the other side.

Now that she was near the end of the hallway Lucy noticed an exit sign and It was as she was about to make a run for it that the door in front of her opened. Before she had time to react she heard a loud bang and felt a searing pain in her chest.

Lucy woke with a start, she couldn’t remember ever having such a realistic dream like the one she had just had. When she noticed the room she was in she got the feeling of déjà vu, ignoring it she made for the door and opened it noticing the hallway was the same one from her dream, after checking each door she walked toward the last one ignoring the small voice at the back of her mind telling her to run, she went for the door handle to open the door. It was as she heard a man scream that she knew the dream she had just had wasn’t a dream at all, but since when did she have visions.

Out of nowhere Lucy heard a man’s voice in her head “STOP! DONT OPEN THE DOOR RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN YOU NEED TO WARN THE OTHERS!” Screamed the voice. “Warn them about what?” she thought to herself. “Warn them that Eric is back, go, go while you still have time!” said the voice” Lucy didn’t even have to think twice as she made a run for the exit, only turning around once to see the man who she thought had rescued her from the gunman in the dorm open the door brandishing a 9mm pistol.

It turned out Lucy was in the middle of nowhere. Lucky for her someone was kind enough to give her a ride back to the school were upon her arrival she immediately sought out the others. Jessie was the first one she found, she was in the library completing her history assignments. “Jessie, we need to talk. Were are the others?” asked Lucy. “The guys are in the common room why?” replied Jessie with a confused look on her face. “Come with me there is something I have to tell you all”. Replied Lucy as she began backing out of the Library.

At the speed they were running, it took Lucy and Jessie just five minutes to get across campus to the common room. Storming through the door sweaty and breathless it took no time at all for Lucy to find Kyle and the other guys, even though the common room was packed full. Apparently the fact that the Giants were playing the Cowboys was some sort of big deal to guys. Lucy locked gazes with Kyle and out of nowhere she heard him speaking to her mind. “What’s wrong” said Kyle’s voice inside her head. “We have to talk, but not here, round up the guys and meet us at the old science building”. Lucy laughed at the shocked expression on Kyle’s face. She almost forgot she'd acquired Kyle’s Gift, As well as Jessie’s, something else she would have to explain to everyone.

Standing outside the old science building hearing nothing but the wind was starting to make Lucy feel anxious. She felt her shoulders relax the instant she heard the guys laughter. You won’t be laughing when I tell you the good news. She thought to herself. As they all walked into the old science building Lucy couldn’t take the secret anymore. “Eric’s Back!” She exclaimed. As she said it she looked at all of their faces, no one was laughing anymore, in fact Lucy thought she felt the air change as she noticed the looks on each of their faces. Clearly that was not what they were expecting Lucy to say. “What?! Why the hell would you say something like that” Shouted Tony. “Because it’s the truth is why!”Lucy replied with a hint of anger.

“Were have you been “Asked Jessie. “Maybe I should start from the beginning.”Said Lucy. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like the outcome of this conversation but they needed to know. As she expected, the conversation did not go down well. Out of the entire group Charlie seemed to be affected by the news the most. Without letting Charlie know what she was doing Lucy started sifting through Charlie’s thoughts. One thought in particular coming through louder than the others. He was thinking about the history he shared with Eric.

Last edited by TheRealMe on Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:30 pm


Postby tootall4u » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:09 pm

:D very nicely written, suspenseful and a lil scary but i like it a lot! keep up the great work, i look forward to part 3! <3

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