Dreams Gone

Poetry, short stories, paintings, photography, songs – art of all genres.

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Dreams Gone

Postby inrecovery2011 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:40 pm

When does the hurt from a dream let go end
When can I look for the peace I so need in my head
For today the thoughts run rampant towards the doom I feel in my heart
With all I seem to lose how can I hold on and hope for a better day
I will say I am ok cause I am sure no one wants to hear my feelings
I hide the true thoughts so I don’t have to discuss them and be shunned
I don’t have the shoulder I used to have to lean on I cry when alone
I want to push everyone in the world away
Feelings of being lost and confused run my mind and have me searching for answers no longer there
There is no comfort in the smiles I get I don’t get hugs from family
I feel shut off alone empty and so unwanted
If no one wants me why not let me know I will go
Don’t drag my heart thru the pain anymore and hold me in the misery of this place
People seem to think everything can be tied together with a pretty bow
With all the ribbon used to tie the broken pieces of my heart none to fit another piece together
So I ask again how do I hold on when the dreams I had for a brighter tomorrow are gone

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