Warped Perception

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Warped Perception

Postby PeaceLove » Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:45 pm

I honestly Dont even know what this is, call it symbolic venting I guess.
Just trying to get some stuff out.

Warped Perception

The View of myself seems to always be full of Confusion.

Self-worth Determined upon others to give me acceptance.

I hide, Lost in my mind, tricking me with this illusion.

Always trying to change and adjust, just to blend in.

What if I am no longer the person I should be at the end?

Constant pressure from my own worst enemy.

Not Society, or a person I know, But my very self.

I Trick myself to fight a battle that need not be fought.

This idea tricks me to Alter the reflection I see in the water below.

The person I see in the mirror is judged by the only company guaranteed.

Yet I lash out on as if I don’t have enough pain.

Until I love the person I am, there is no chance to find this love in others.

It will pick at me until I sabotage myself and break all bridges out of fear.

Misery loves company and in this case it is me.

Until The cycle is broken I cannot expect change.

I cannot expect someone to cross my path and make me accept myself

This battle against myself must end, I surrender I wish not to fight.

I am me for now, and for as long as I know.

So I must treat myself like I would someone else.

Changing the person in the mirror?

Why? I’d really like to get to know Her for once 

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Postby stillwaters » Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:55 pm

Dear PeaceLove
Your symbolic venting has expressed in clarity what I have been feeling for a long time but not quite been able to put into words all at one go. Many of your expressions are spot on word for word what I have said and thought over the last couple of years at different times, but the last three months particularely.
It is not the exact same sentiment but I do sometimes listen to Michael Jacksons Man in the Mirror when I have these feelings to draw some strength to continue to change for the better. I have no idea what I will be when the changes are finished but if I can leave the depression behind or at least learn to live without it controling my life, with or without meds, It has to be better.
I hope you do find yourself and I for one will accept you as are.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:09 pm

(((((((((( PeaceLove )))))))))))))

How very touching. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Until I love the person I am, there is no chance to find this love in others.

Believe this is one of the most powerful secrets to life.


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Postby PeaceLove » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:21 pm

((((( Stillwaters and Warmie))))))) Thanks for reading I am glad you enjoyed it.

Stillwaters I am glad I could express it so you could read it, I wish you didnt know what that was like first hand though.

Pretty Much what I was trying to get across, was that we need to love and be kind to ourselves. Not fight Internally and Constantly be trying to change ourselves,but instead get to know the person we are and love yourself.

Now Just if I can live by this haha.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:44 am

((((((((((( PeaceLove )))))))))))))

Never give up, you can do it!


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