As If

Poetry, short stories, paintings, photography, songs – art of all genres.

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As If

Postby inrecovery2011 » Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:03 pm

As the days turn to night the into days the days to weeks
It seems the only thing that stays the same is the thoughts
The longing to be different from what I have become
Lost in a sea of thoughts and dreams that seem to never come true
When I sit and think of the wasted time I spent planning to change
I wish that the thoughts would stay positive for more than 2 minutes
I wish I would allow myself to say what is so deep in my thoughts
When it comes to the time I have to say what needed to be said will you forgive the fact I wasn’t there
When I take the time to look deep inside I know my thoughts can never be said
The thoughts that ramble and speed thru never staying but for a minute or two come back like a force when I try to think
Think of ways to get thru whatever my head decides it wants to make me see again
I run to that far corner in my head the one that has been the safest place yet
I run and hide there so no one can see that I cry on the inside so they won’t ask why
I remember the times when the thoughts were happy the times when nothing could bring me down
Then in a flash like there were never there the ones that terrify me to my bone come back with a force I cannot fight
When will the time come that the voices so loud will let me be
I don’t say a thing about them if anyone knew it would fuel their fire
They tell me things that no one should hear
They plant the thoughts I keep silently hid
There will be a day where they will be less and less until gone but until then to hold on for dear life is what I will do
I will no longer be the person I have become I will be the person I was meant to be

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