Try me

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Try me

Postby Tealeaves » Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:06 am

So let me start by saying, I don't believe there is a 'cure' to depression. I do believe that some people are meant to have depression (or a form of it) and I believe; even if you get rid of/fix the problem causing'll still be dealing with it can't teach an old dog new tricks...the old dog being your brain. Why, because depression is one of your brains go to's now.
Just like when you get depressed and have your go-to's; comfort foods, movie, music, places; so does your brain... because your human brain really is human too.

Why would your brain use depression as a go to? Why would your brain, hold onto something that is bad? A simple way to put it is it's a defense mechanism and, to your brain... depression is not bad.
Yes, I know that sounds crazy and backwards but here's something I want you to keep in mind... death is just as important to your brain as life. A small example: We have just as many questions about death as we do about life.

So why does your brain use depression as a defense mechanism... again the simple protect you. If you stay in bed then you can't fall down the steps. (I use extreme and strange examples...because of people with severe depression)

So you've heard of the inner child but, how about the inner parent? Some of you may call it Jiminy Cricket but regardless of what you named it...its there...protecting you, guiding a good parent does (like a regular functioning brain)

...but... you've heard of overprotective parents right? You know the parents that think they're doing good by overdoing it but ultimately, they are more so, hurting than helping.
(Enter brain with an issue or, issues)
Now the issue could be a number of different things. Trauma, such as abuse or an accident...a chemical imbalance in the brain...or, a person that thinks differently and so those around them, treat them incorrectly.

Whatever the issue or, issues...there is now something that doesn't make sense. The emotional side of your mind has the ability to roll with those kind of things... like roll it off its shoulder no big deal. It's the functional side of your mind that's getting stuck.

Remember when you were a kid and your teacher pronounced something incorrectly... and told you to take note of the feeling that you got in your head? Maybe your teacher told you "that's the English monster."

Or maybe you're more a math person...1+1=4...
Well that's not true but for some of you out there I have to correct it...1+1=2

Now the big question did you notice the thing that happened inside your head? Be it with words or, with numbers... did you notice the pause? It means, if only for a second your brain is confused.

The pause is very important to understand because that is what is causing your brain to use depression... Well actually it's the issue that causes the pause so then, your brain uses depression to keep you safe while, that part of your brain is paused. Sound a little weird... Well then let's have another one of my beautiful examples:

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what to do? Maybe feeling overwhelmed from the pressure? ... you stood in place didn't you, felt like you needed to move but couldn't. Now some of you eventually figured out what to do the brain got the gears moving rolling in the directions that needed to and figured it out or, some of you cover your ears put your head down started shaking your head back and forth and hurry away from everything... either way or, Whatever way you handled things... did you notice the pause? Did you notice how you you couldn't move?

So this little thing is already getting long enough and I don't want to bore people... so now I'll tell you what you can do that ...may or... may not help. I make no promises, because just like medicine and therapy work for some but not for others, this theory may work for some and not for others... or heck maybe nobody at all, only me but hey... what have you got to lose...

First, The Why should I:
When you need to do something but you feel like you're brain is kind of dragging you. Basically it's the low level that a lot of people are dealing with...including regular people without depression... you know like kids who can't move out of their parents house or, move back in... people who seem to be making their own driving rules.
And then there is you...why should I go to work, why should I get out of bed... and every time you think why should I go to work, your brain always answers "well because I have to" ( you almost hear the childish or adult sounding voice saying that)

The next one is, The don't need to:
Lot like the why should I but just a step higher.
There's also, The need not... that is the more we'll say dangerous severe but involves a little more explanation... for now... we'll just stick with the why should I and, the don't need to.

Try this... the next time you feel your self saying "I want to I just can't" or, even "I need to but I just can't"

...say "I don't need to."

Again this is not a miracle cure it may not work for everyone and even if it does work for you it may not be just the first time you say it. You may have to say it several times and/or, on more than one occasion. One key to pay attention to is do you hear a click or feel a click in your head? A click means something makes sense... And if you do, then this idea might work for you.

Why it might not... because when you say I don't need to feed my kids...I don't need to go to work... Well that just sounds ridiculous right And of course it's going to sound ridiculous to your brain... so it's going to argue. The argument is actually a very normal thing but if you can try and push past it.

Ultimately your brain is trying to protect you by stopping you/pausing with it.

Why does this work? Like mom being after you, all week, to clean up your room. You come in from being out with friends, she hears you and comes in ready to yell but she stops when she sees you carrying a basket of dirty laundry out of your room.
You give her a look like 'what... I'm cleaning my room' and she nods her head in knowing agreement.

It's called tricking the trickster...(that would be your brain)

So there is a whole lot of a lot of a lot more on this whole theory but, let's just start with something simple.

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