What if...4

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What if...4

Postby Tealeaves » Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:26 pm

Functionalizing is good, it means you're moving, doing and thinking, correctly.
Over functionalizing...well it's kind of like over thinking it... and oftentimes when we overthink something, it ends up bad ...right?
Over functionalizing causes us to think backwards, work backwards.

( this next example, is not a great example of this at all but, it's a good example of something)

(An example of over functionalizing then reset...as well as, over functionalizing. )

I have no car because I'm not married...
Sounds weird? But it's more familiar than you realize.
Here's your scenario:
Jane and Joe are married.
Jane and Joe get divorced...

(or maybe Joe passes away, it's up to you how Joe goes, as long as Joe goes)

Jane is sitting at table in her kitchen, talking with her neighbor friend, Mary. They are discussing that Jane's car is acting up. Mary suggests that Jane, should have the car looked at. Jane responds

"yeah, I guess I should...its just...Joe used to take care of those things."

Ahem, did anyone else hear the pause...I did.
It's an imaginary gold kewpie doll to the person whom can shout out exactly when Jane's brain paused!

... so that's kind of a trick question because there are actually two times that the pause happens but one of them is not mentioned in the scenario...it was the moment Joe left, the moment that something that made sense...now... no longer made sense.

It was important to point out that there were two pauses because, we don't always realize that the pause happens to us because, sometimes it's just so fast and it's so quiet. Also an important thing to point out is that; as I said; the moment Joe left, Jane's brain paused... but only a part of it because obviously she was still breathing, living, moving, doing things, maybe working, maybe eating as well as other normal things...
Well we won't mention that Jane's friend Mary, while retrieving milk for her coffee, found the tv remote in the vegetable drawer or, that she watched Jane leave the house earlier, dressed, but still wearing her slippers. Nah, we won't mention that but we will mention that Mary brought a little card over for Jane.
Now when Jane sees that card... that might be the first opportunity for a different click in her brain... then again it might not happen till later after she's let the dog back in for the night and she's turning off the light in the kitchen...that she notices the card sitting on the table. Sitting down, she runs her fingers over the mechanics information, another click in her brain and a tear drips on the card as she again realizes...Joe is gone but...she is not.
Sometimes stories don't end well but luckily this time, it does end well for Jane. The next day she puts her big girl pants on she calls the mechanic and gets the car in. That's when the reset happens... where something that didn't make sense now makes sense.
Of course, for a while Jane will have moments where she gets imbalanced again and then something will happen to reset her, over and over again, but that boys and girls, is just life.

We are meant to be balanced and then imbalanced all the time... it's when the imbalance stays an imbalance, that there is a problem.

For example: I still do not have a car.
Well technically, I do but, it's more of a paperweight than it is, an actual moving object.
Now the no husband thing, isn't the issue anymore even though my brain does still hold on to that 'fact.' No, now there are other things causing issues, and after so many of them end up piled up you can't tell which ones are excuses and which ones are the real truths... all you feel is...the why should I...over and over and over... until you've been removed from society... you can't play by the rules anymore... they just don't make sense.
Sorry yeah I know this turned into more of a narrative than it was supposed to be but unfortunately, I just got a type it as it comes to me.
The original version was much more simplified and a little comedic. Oh well I'll try to be funny next time... maybe.

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