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Dreamcatcher ♥
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:24 pm


Postby Dreamcatcher ♥ » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:43 pm

You wake up, get dressed, do your makeup perfectly. Eat five bites of breakfast and throw the rest away. You run to the bathroom and weigh yourself. You see the weight and you hate it. You workout till your body screams at you to stop. You weigh yourself again, still hating the number on the scale. You go to school, skip lunch, get through the day with fake smile and forced laughs telling yourself it's gonna be okay, you run home and reweigh yourself. That damn number still isn't good enough. You workout again even though your body is sore. Dinner comes-you hardly eat. You run to weigh yourself yet again, but the numbers worse now. Not by much, but still. you workout even harder. You go to bed dreading the next morning. When you wake up, you go through the same painful routine. Day after day, week after week, month after month. Hating that number on the scale you're so certain defines you, no matter how low it drops. you ask yourself the same question each day..

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:20 pm

Re: "Fat"

Postby encouragingsoul916 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:01 pm

Hey Dream,

Your explanation really hits home... just the overall feelings and expression of exasperation is very vivid and I'm sure resonates with many. I have struggled with weight for a long time and have felt the shame, disappointment and hatred of my own body. I've worked out, dieted and I've lost some weight, even had a good stretch where I lost 30lbs... only to see it go back on so quickly. I've learned that I have an imbalance with my pituitary gland that causes my body to store fat at a much higher rate than the average person. Translation for me, if I want to be thinner - I gotta workout constantly and watch what I eat. It's a battle that I take day-by-day but also try not to get consumed by it. There is nothing wrong with you but one thing that helped me... I stopped judging myself by a number on the scale. I do love myself, even if I have a few extra pounds... sure I may not be a 10 in certain people's eyes because of my weight but I'm cool with it and I love that I can be comfortable in my own skin. Just remember you're not defined by your weight and try to focus on being happy and healthy but not focus on your weight as much.
Encouraging :D

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