Hopeless and Alone

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Hopeless and Alone

Postby kascirae » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:38 pm

I feel hopeless.
I feel like there is not one thing in this world that can help me.
I feel alone.
I feel like nobody understands how I feel, or even cares to try.
I'm so depressed.
I need help, but nothing seems to work.
Nobody cares.
Nobody listens.
I am going crazy inside.
I want to die.
I am very irritable and always feel angry.
I do not like feeling this way.
It makes me feel like a bad person.
I want to run away, but have nowhere to go.
Nobody will listen to me, they think I'm fine.
The racing thoughts never go away.
It hurts.
My head feels like a raging volcano.
I'm crying.
It hurts.
I need help.
I hurt!
Nobody's here.
I'm all alone.
My feelings are indescribable..
Someone please help.
I'm slowly dying inside.
I just want to live again.

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Joined: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:15 pm
Location: New York State

Postby satisfy » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:03 pm

You just describe my feeling here. I have this symptom every day. I have my psychiatrist provide me with depression medications but it does not work. I try to see him again, but he told me to see the counselor. I have been talking to counselor all my life, I feel medication help me more.

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Location: New York State

Postby satisfy » Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:05 pm

Do you get professional help? You should try, it is better than we cope it alone.

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Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:19 pm

Postby kascirae » Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:27 pm

Yes, I do get professional help. I have been seeing counselors practically my whole life. I feel like no therapy has helped me. I've done talk therapy with many different counselors, I have an ARMHS worker who I see two days per week, and DBT 3 days per week. :( Also I was on zoloft for 5 years and didn't like it.. I am trying a more natural approach to treating my depression now. I don't think its working. :( I am considering getting on medication again, but I would really rather not. My only other thought on treatment options is possibly going to an in patient treatment center. Not sure that would be the best choice for me though.. I guess I will never know if I don't try though. Sorry so long.. :oops:

Posts: 18
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Location: New York State

Postby satisfy » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:44 pm

Yes, May luck be with you. I understand how you feel. I am in the same boat with you. I have Schizoaffective Disorder (Schizophrenia+Bipolar depression) for over 40 years. I am on Haloperidol and Fetzima. Before I used to take Latuda, but it ends up giving me Diabete. I used to take Zoloft but I got off it and use Fetzima instead. Some how this Fetzima does not help me, I think I will go back to Zoloft. Yeah, just keep trying different way, may be you might find the right treatment. I keep changing medication often, may be I have medication resistant. So, I agree with you, if you are going to try to find a way to help you getting better. Sorry for long expression!

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