Some truth's about your imagination

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Some truth's about your imagination

Postby tollieschmidt » Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:58 pm

Good things come to those with a good <a>Imagination</a>!

We are powerful creative beings, able to change our reality with our thoughts; this tends to be a big concept to swallow. Most of us believe that we are at the mercy of the way things look. We notice the conditions in our world and see our lives affected by those circumstances. When things get chaotic in the world around us, the turbulence has such an enormous impact on our psyche, that we find ourselves in survival rather than in the role of creators.

The interesting thing about reality is that it is truly what you believe it to be. Even quantum physics states that any object just by the action of observation, is altered by the perception of the observer. We all see things differently. Each persons experience is colored by their experiences of the past. The cumulative effects of childhood, the environment in which we were brought up all impact how we see things, feel about them, and as a result shape our opinions, attitudes and beliefs. The thought of being in control of our destiny can feel very elusive.

Could it be something as simple as our <a>imagination</a> that can be the solution for harnessing our innate power even in the middle of great crisis? Can the mind be that powerful, and can we be that focused to utilize its power to bring forth a positive result in the midst of calamity? Here's the good news...the mind has no judgment on what's going on. That's the egos job. The mind only takes a picture of everything that happens and records it into memory. The mind is capable of far greater tasks than we have ever endeavored, so let's put it to the test.

<a>The Law Of Attraction</a> reminds us that things manifest as they line up energetically. Simply put, like energies are attracted to each other. Everything in this Universe is made up of energy. This includes how we think. Our thoughts are energetic. They carry waves, which are magnetized to similar frequencies. Here's the interesting point, the mind cannot distinguish between real and unreal thinking. (What we deem real, or that which is imagined)

This is where we take control of The Law Of Attraction and create deliberately. This is a LAW as powerful as any. The Law Of Deliberate Creation utilizes the knowledge that thought is powerful and what we focus on manifests into our reality. With this understanding our concentration is on what we'd like to see show up in our lives. We don't focus on what it looks like out there.

This is where some may say, "Well, I can't do that, I'm a realist." I grant you that if you are observing things the way they are, and that evaluation is what you are defining as reality, then it clearly seems correct. But again, things show up as a result of thought, because thought is a creative energy. To break the cycle of this reality requires a thought of a new kind. That will put in process a whole new energy, which will in turn; create differently than before. Training our minds to see things as we'd like to see them happen, using the full force of our imagination may seem like child’s play in the midst of all the craziness going on it the world, but again our thoughts are very powerful creative forces. There is no limit to what the mind can create.


1) Have fun with your imagination.

2) Remember your innocence. At the root of all beings is the innocence of a child. Tap into it!

3) Dream BIG! There is NO LIMITATION what the mind can imagine


5) Concentrate on the feeling you have when you are imagining. The feeling aspect of the creation is the power punch that delivers the home run ball to create.

Creation happens in 3 steps: Thought, Word and Deed. You think about something, it's beginning to take shape. You then speak about it. It's now more powerful in form. You Act As If, it's already happened, and BINGO! It's outta the Park!

So honestly, even if at this moment you can only allow yourself to believe only half of what I just said, is it really that strange to say Dream and you WILL create?


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:14 pm


Warmie 8)

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