Looking for a specific kind of people (thinking people)

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Looking for a specific kind of people (thinking people)

Postby DiegoArgentina92 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:21 am

I have a "problem". I dont like all people. I like people, in general way, but, i dont like some kind of people. I was always a "out-of-the-norm" person, or something like that.

Who knows about this knows about what im talking, I had problems to conect with people, but, not to other people conect with me, to me conect with other people. Looking things now i just can say "yes, i was messed up, and i finished more messed up", that can be an answer, valid, dont know, in terms of mind i just dont know whats valid and whats not, my way to think is valid ? or its just the result of a messed mind set ?

I remember some of the people i used to known, and, they are good people, i have some common interests with them, and etc, but, talk with them ? thats another story. I started to stop to hung out with them cause i used to be pretty bored with them, even having some related interests. I have this problem "i want the other one im with be exactly like i want", its a problem. With this thing about meet people in depression sites its just i talk with the people and dont know, just doesnt likes me for some way or another, its "not what im looking for", but, i learned that even with that is pretty good know other people to talk.

Sometimes ive been trying to find people in depression groups, like fbook groups, and forums, and etc, and i cannot find the kind of people i think "this is a ok person to talk", and not much peolpe wants to stay in touch to talk. Im a really brainy person, i mean, dont know what i mean, im burned.

The people who is out there, and the people i knew and i still know, are just people to have "dinstance" talks, its not people who i really can stay, and i feel like to have a talk, are just people to say "hi, im fine", and then create answers based in the way i think their mind works, any other here make that ? My way to do it is this (of course this process is automatic, but some how i realized and put it on focus), I see the person, and if i talk with that person I think what kind of answer that person would like to recieve, and how, and if i say something is related to the way i know that person thinks. And know this is a bit insane, but, well, im like this.

Im very calm, i like the knowledge, i like close talks. I dont like bothers. Im picky, im "obsesive", i like think things before do them. I like happines. I like simple things. I like to be well mannered. I concern.

Dont know, the thing is that i finished alone. Its really strange. Dont have people to chat. Its like live another life. I used to know people, and talk, and etc, and now not, since a long while, so, what happened with that passed life ? Still exist ? Or was just a dream ? What happened with that old me ? Whats going to happen with me in the future ? This what im now its going to be "a dream" in the future too ? My life can change a lot in the future, a really really lot, i know that, so, and for me, since a long while, nothing is fixed, i mean, thats my whole problem, my life doesnt have a spine, a pillar, its just a big mess, and every day is another different mess, and i dont know whats going to happen tomorrow, and when im awake i dont know whats happening.

I like to talk about everything like in a stand-up comedy, i think this should be a syndrome. I like Woody Allen, anyone else ? Its hard to find people who besides like Woody Allen, know how is be like Woody Allen. I make jokes about everything, you cannot talk serious with me, sometimes, every time someone say something im thinking in a joke, this is of course cause i see people take care about so much small things that i cannot handdle it, its funny, and i make a joke, or even if isnt a bother, if they say something they are like serious, with a straight face, like they are talking about something serious and important, frack that ! nothing is serious.

I miss so much my old me, making jokes with other people, living good. Now im like a ghost, not sleeping good, passing time with my thoughts in my mind, not talking with anyone, driving insane, and more insane, and more...

Any relates here ?

Im not that kind of "sad person". I know some people with depression are, and its ok. Well, some people are like "too sad",you know, with problems too... think about the things... and other well, have difficult problems. But im not that kind of sad person. I have depression, and things are hard, but im still up.

Well, this are some thoughts, nothing much.

Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:47 am
Location: Argentina

Re: Looking for a specific kind of people (thinking people)

Postby DiegoArgentina92 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:44 pm


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