What the hell is wrong with me?

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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What the hell is wrong with me?

Postby Misty » Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:27 pm

I am not going to make any sense i'm sure but i really need an honest response from anyone that has talked to me before. Its like i try to say the right things and i can;t be casual about it, it's so hard because its the only way i know how. I see others that either very articulate in how they experss themselves or others that just go on casually and they get so many replys. I started in the chat room and jokesd or talked seriously in a pm with someone, it was fine then,. Now i'm a mess but still want to be somewhat intelligent in whta i say and those that used to talk to me don't anymore.

So my question is...do i have a personality disorder or something? what am i doing wrong? It helped me so much to bea able to have a chat and they would givev me a smile or a thanks and its nada now.

I would love to have a professional opinion but no money no help right now. Tnhis must be nevermind sorry but i'll post this anyway.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:09 pm

Misty.... I don't know what to think.... You're just fine!

You are always there to offer a kind word! It's okay, however it comes out....

Please don't stop posting! Would you like to try recording your voice? Are you better at talking things out vs. typing them out? ???

Maybe use something like Notepad or MS Word? When I have a really long post, I use notepad 1st....

Hugs to you! ((((((((((((Misty)))))))))))))))))

I hope this helps a little bit.... I am not often in the chat much.... I don't say much when I go in now. I remember one time recently someone twisted my words & it seemed I was being made fun of or something. I just ignored it....

I've also found that sometimes you are just ignored.... I try not to take it on much..... That's the best advice I could give....

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Postby xn728 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:55 pm

DONT STOP POSTING (((((MISTY ))))),,YOU WRITE VERY NICE THINGS you have always been there for me ,,and you know as i said before ,we can always talk if you feel like it ,,,,we all sometimes write posts and dont get a reply
and we often wonder if we may have upset someone ,,,but quiet often ,its just so many people are in there own pain they dont feel up to it ,,,,,ive been ill but im getting back to normal now i for one would never ignore you ,weve chatted before ,,and when you have been quiet ,,ive just thought youve needed your space ,,like my dear freind (((((onika)))))says
you must not stop posting ,your a very dear freind ,and we all love you ,,
hugs love ken xxxx

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Postby Misty » Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:05 pm

((((((crystalgaze & ken))))))

thank you both so much. i feel things are changing within me and i worry. maybe it's all in my head (hahaha) but i can't be sure. between the feelings of guilt and selfishness it is hard to see what is truly going on. part of my resistance to talking about myself is because there are many here i see and talk with that are totally alone or have major traumas in their lives and in comparison my problems can wait. it's funny though that when i feel like saying something about myself nobody will listen.

every day i wish i could let things out but i suppose deep down it is that fear. i can rationalize and know there is no judgement here so somehow, someway i need find out why that is. as soon as i can afford or get financial help i will be running and sprinting to the doctors office.

all i can do for the moment is be here with you and for that i am very grateful. it will be alright and i will be in touch.

You Take Care,

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(((((LET IT GO MISTY)))))

Postby xn728 » Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:14 pm

(((((MISTY))))) you must let your pain free,,my dear freind ,,the others you talk about in more pain ,,have there words of support and comfort ,,you must have the same same support ,pain is pain ,not measured in size or content ,,if you feel the need please share ,you know you have nothing to fear here ,look at what i have parted with and the support i have had from this amazing family i belong to has been overwhelming ,,(((((cmon misty ))))),come in and let us give you the support you deserve ,you have given plenty now let us carry your pain while you rest ,,hugs lots of love ken xxxxxx

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Postby dandelion » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:06 am

(((((((((((((( Misty )))))))))))))))))

We talked a lot before this, and its been a while since we talked to each other, me with my work and still working on my sleeping pattern, i am so sorry i am not there for you when you need me. But i want you to know that i love you so much as a friend, you have taught me a lot, you have give me a lot, i dont know how to pay back all of your kind words, your advise, your concern, your friendship, it means a lot to me, and you mean a lot to me.

Our time zone differs so much and it makes it hard to catch you at the chatroom sometimes, but i hope i will someday! I miss our conversation together. Please feel better soon and please know that you are loved here and we care about you and I care about you, and you are more than a friend to me, you are like family, please remember that. I love you lady <3


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Postby mk43 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:07 pm

girl life is hard i dont know about you but it feels like everyone can handle it better than yourself. sometimes it's tru but f-it. Its hard to feel like this back n forth goin nutz...but the more you work on you you will see you are perfect with quirks n all but only till you feel beautiful inside out you will see the struggle made wonderful things happen for your future...believe me i kno it works but im hardly there i wish i could dod as i preach.

but your fine...it just feels like we are falling to pieces when in actuality if we didnt feel so shitty we would be human.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:38 pm

I doubt that there is anything wrong with you.
I find it quite hard to express myself, but I just do the best I can. So, I would hope that you would feel able to do the same and carry on posting, as long as you feel comfortable doing so.
I can't really comment about the chatroom, never having used it myself. I find reading posts to be more comfortable, it gives me time to read the posts and then mull over what I might feel able to contribute to a thread myself.
Also, just because people don't reply, doesn't mean that they aren't reading posts. I've read a lot of posts, particularly on Warmsoul's corner and found them so useful that I've printed them off, but that didn't necessarily mean that I felt I had anything valid to say in reply.
To borrow a quote from one of my favourite Star Trek novels: " There is hope in honest error, none in the icy perfection of the mere stylist. "
Surely it's better for each of us to continue posting our own thoughts in our own ways, rather than trying to post like someone else or not posting at all?
( Consider the ultimate horror.......If nobody else posted on this site, it would be composed entirely of my brevity-challenged pontifications!!!! Keep posting (((( Misty ))))! If only to save this site from such a grisly fate! )

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Postby Misty » Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:35 pm

(((((((((((My Forum Family))))))))))

As usual I don't think I can tell you what your words mean to me. If any of you don't mind, can I reply to each of you individually?

Oh also, I start posting things and walk off for a while. When I get back the page has expired and I forget what I typed. Hope this post goest through.

Thank you all and let me know if I can pm you each.


Today is easier and I will post on Dandelions thread about positive things :)

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Postby xn728 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:45 pm

(((((misty))))),,glad today has been better ,,you have no need to ask me if you can pm ,,as i said any time you feel like it hugs love ken xxxxx

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:48 pm

If you would like to, SURE! Why not? :)

(((((((((((((((( Misty )))))))))))))))))))))))

Hugs to you! Also.... if something bothers you, post about it.... Don't bottle it up so it makes you sick! Ya?

Shoot... Look at me.... I even went to the doctor from all the encouragement... (& going to the doctor is HUGE for me....)

^_^ ~LOL~ Now, that's family for ya!

The expired page happened to me just a while ago... .Before I click submit, I try to copy my message first! I select every thing & then hit Ctrl + C.... or I right click & click Copy... That's for a Windows computer. I think the same applies to a non-Windows computer.

If the page expires, right click in the empty message box & hit paste or use Ctrl + V! Hope that helps!

You can also paste to Notepad or something before you leave the computer... Just leave your post in Notepad....

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Postby dandelion » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:13 am

(((((((((((( Misty )))))))))))))))

You know my answer :)


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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:29 am

You could pm, although I blush to admit that I haven't worked out how the pm system or the emoticons work yet. ( Hey! I'm still getting to grips with this whole " information supermyway " business! )

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Postby mk43 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:50 am

im glad you feel better today :)

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Postby Mich » Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:34 pm

(((((Misty))))) I am glad you are feeling a bit better. I have treasured your thoughtful responses on my posts. I hope you will feel comfortable doing your own posts. Please know that I am listening.
I go in the chat room from time to time and usually feel like a misfit there. Everyone else seems to know everybody and I don't really have a friend there. I have found much more support and friendship on this forum.

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