Does anyone else feel this confused?

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Does anyone else feel this confused?

Postby helloIT » Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:47 am

I'm not sure if I'm really depressed.
I have feelings of depression- emptiness, anxiety, boredom and an inability to relieve it, lack of motivation, trouble getting out of bed, tiredness, loss of interest in my hobbies and listening to music, frequent crying or being on the verge of crying, disinterest in existence as a whole, etc.
Those feelings vary in length, from hours to days, and with out any real pattern. Occasionally, the symptoms vary e.g. One day I'll feel very sad and anxious and the next day I'll feel empty. Most of the time I can force myself to get everything done so it doesn't usually affect my productivity throughout the day.
But then I'm okay again for one or two days. And sometimes its the being alright again that's hard for me too. Because I sometimes feel good, I think it's not right for me to think I have depression and therefore should not get help because its not bad enough to be an illness. I don't feel like I'm depressed enough to be qualified for depression, even though the feelings are sometimes intense. It also makes me question whether I ever do feel depressed. I feel like I'm lying to myself and I'm just making it up for attention even though I haven't talked to anyone about it. It's very confusing. I feel like I don't know who I am. So Its like I'm stuck in this quasi-depressed state where I can't honestly tell people I'm okay but I can't honestly tell them I'm not. Like I should just shut up and get over it.

Anyway does anyone else feel so confused about their emotions?

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Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:20 am

Re: Does anyone else feel this confused?

Postby Katjie » Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:22 am

It depends if you have always felt like that or did something traumatic happened which activated those feelings, which can be assisted...

I had depression my whole life, long story but I feel permantely useless and depressed and antidepressants do not work for me, the depression keeps getting worst.

Since I can't help how I feel and how much I still getting abused by people and boyfriends, I can't do anything about it because NOTHING works!

So I have made a decision to find laughter and beauty in the simple things like animals, flowers, small mercies and my health, etc...because PEOPLE cause distruction, not nature! I indulge in the smallest of things and remind myself to be grateful.

Difficult, but acievable!

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