
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby millenialeeyore » Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:23 pm

I feel like I won't be happy no matter the circumstance. I could be a billionaire without a care in the world and it still wouldn't bring me joy. So I'm left wondering what's the point of trying at all.
How do you all cope with thoughts and feelings like these?

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Postby 100footpole » Thu Mar 05, 2015 11:38 am


What a great name.

Eeyore was my favorite pooh character, because I got him as a kid. I worried. Through much of my life I kind of resented being possessed by the Eeyore spirit, and I only talked to counselors when my life would rip apart at the seams. Eeyore has that same problem with his tail.

I find meaning in trying to care for other people. Sometimes that is hard. You want to give advice, make suggestions, but the other person hears that as criticism. So, I've been thinking a lot about what makes someone nice, and then trying to figure out WHY they do that. I think about Pooh Sticks, where the game is to find out which stick comes through first. As an Eeyore sometimes I get upset because my sticks always get stuck on the pylons of the bridge ... but then I realize that when a stick does make it through I did something better than I had before. We Eeyores may never win at Pooh Sticks, but people are happier when we play, and that's what is important. We can fan that spark into flames that keep us going.

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Postby ForeverAlone » Tue Mar 17, 2015 2:26 am

nothing can change
hopelesness,unhappy is the result of things happend to you and the hurt you faced
time can only heal that
just think of the reason and try to deal with it
meet new pepole,change ur lifestyle,start new life
and be strong dnt think you never gona be happy
u wil one day just wait for the day

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Postby Daniel06 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:24 am

Try to appreciate small things and maybe you'll find happiness there.

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Postby LuisSteven » Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:18 am

Some things in life truly are hopeless -- or very close to it. For example, you may have invested five years of your life in a relationship in which he does not value you. If trying to make things work has worn you out, your feelings of hopelessness may be a healthy indication that it is time to cut your losses and move on. As you transition from a situation that is not going to improve, remember to focus on aspects life that are not hopeless -- such as having loving friendships or a job you enjoy.

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Start towards the goal

Postby shark » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:36 pm

I generally feel a sense of hopelessness towards most things in my life. Usually as soon as a new opportunity arises, I will start thinking about why I won't be able to do it, and ask myself what's the point? Truth is, I can't really prevent myself from feeling like this. I force myself to START towards the goal, whatever it may be. After I start I'll have a better chance of following through, and suddenly a hopeless case becomes an achievement.

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Postby HopelessMe » Wed May 20, 2015 12:30 pm

I feel a lot like that. When something bad happens I blame that for my feelings. But I realized that when I have every reason to be happy I still feel the same... It's something I can not hide from.

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