I'm So Tired

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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I'm So Tired

Postby CoffeeCorgi » Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:03 am

Hello everyone,

I am a blind 23 year old from America. I have suffered through depression most of my life and right now, I'm facing so much stress and sadness and I just don't know what to so anymore. I'm beyond sadness, just so very, very tired.

I live in a small town and because I am blind, I cannot travel without transport. My Mother is my usual transportation. However, recently, my Mother was laid off from her job. Because we have no money, I had to quit my job and college because we could not afford for my Mother to drive me so far from home. Beyond this, my Grandmother is dying and my Mother is her primary caregiver. This has torn me apart because she practically raised me alongside my mother. On top of this, we recently learned that I suffer from severe Glaucoma and need to be seen very soon or risk losing what little is left of my vision. However, I lack means of getting there and my doctor has left her job and will be being replaced in April.

Guys, everything is just crushing in around me and I don't know what to do.

I'm so tired.

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Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:00 pm

Re: I'm So Tired

Postby Esther2290 » Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:24 pm

Oh, I am so sorry for what you are going through with not being able to get around, go to school, or work. And on top of all that to be dealing with your grandmother’s illness. It would make it so difficult to find the silver lining, huh. I’m glad that your Mom and you are there to be able to help your grandmother in her time of need. It’s devastating to have your parent (grandparent) so ill. I know how hard that is, I lost my Mom to cancer in 2015. You feel helpless to be unable to change the course of their illness. I felt tired during that time, too.

Do you have a church or friends? It helps to be able to find some moral support.

Is there a bus service available or some sort of community service that may be able to help you to get around? I wonder, were there any young people at the college that live near you that would be willing to give you a lift to school? Or, have you checked to see if there are any government services available to you, during this time of financial need?

I wish I could just give you a hug! I am sure thinking of you and your family.

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:45 am

Re: I'm So Tired

Postby Sissi051011 » Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:30 am

I am so sorry for what you have been through, I wish there was something that I could do but it is a kinda big distance between, I live in Sweden. I am going to pray for you that is a promise and I am a keeper.
I don't know how it works there but here do we have a great welfare system and their priority is to help those who suffer or just ar ill. And I don't think that it cost, they got paid when you pay taxes. My point is that if there is some kind of welfare where you live shall them help you out! Isn't it a law or something that everyone must go to school/university/college to get an education?!
I have been in your situation, well I have not been blind but I have struggled with illness and suicidal thoughts. For two years ago did my lovely ant die in cancer and shortly after that did my grandma get it to but she won over it. And several years ago did I have meningitis... I have cut my arm open so it hurts like hell...

All the best and hope you get help and better soon!

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