Do anti-depressants actually work?

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Do anti-depressants actually work?

Postby statutoryepa » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:21 pm

I ask because it seems every time I start a new regimen, I end up feeling tired, sluggish and even more depressed than I would be without them.

To date, I've been on Prozac, Effexor, Lamictal and Wellbutrin. None of them have helped me thus far.

Has this been the same experience for any of you or do you feel that you're actually better as a result of taking anti-depressants?

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Postby Mich » Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:37 am

When I first start taking an antidepressant, I swear that it is working because I feel some relief. However, that might just be power of suggestion because very soon after I start to feel really bad again. I am on 3 meds right now and still feel horrendous so I am not sure how much they are doing. I often wonder if I would be even worse without the meds or just the same. I have been on all the ones you mentioned except Lamictal.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:30 am

Hi there statutoryepa.... (Are you statutory ape by chance?)

I've been on Lamictal. I didn't really like it. (Ithought I would develop a drug dependency from being on it 'cause that thing wore off so quickly & I started wanting more to achieve the same state that I got with less)

It's a good question you ask. I'm not really sure. I can say that they work for a little bit, but I know, speaking for myself, I can say I am fine for the most part without them. I have been okay very consistently for months now, soon to be a whole year, without meds.

Aromatherapy has saved me lots of times. I haven't used my inhalers in a while! I need to go find them....!

I am having a little bit of a moment right now, but still it is nothing close to what I have felt in the past. Actually that reminds me, I have some things that I haven't tried yet, even to beat this phase I'm in right now.

Thanks for your post! It's helped me to remember what I need to go do. Thanks a lot!

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Postby Monty » Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:56 am

I have been on all of those drugs that you named. I still take Lamictal twice a day.

It seems that I have about run the gamut when it comes to anti-depressants. Both my pdoc and I are concerned about my continuing problem with sleep. I assume that my body is not getting the chance to recharge and then things are able to go south, pretty fast.

I suppose if you get right down to it. If I wasn't taking the anti-depressants I am afraid that I would be really ill. They all have the side effects. Many friends have told me to go the homeopathic route, but that one scares me. My pdoc is a nice man and has been very helpful

I also don't like the lethargy that overcomes me when I start a new one. I drive my mom around a lot so I have to be very careful when it comes to being alert enough to drive.

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treid them all

Postby xn728 » Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:20 pm

hi ive been on all the major drugs ,and noting seemed to work some lasted a few mnths then wore off ,im on lithium now ,but this is a mood stabelizer ,thats all ,it suppose to keep me stable ,but thats not really true
,or did the doc say unstable ,,,,,,,,,,,,ken

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Postby monkey05 » Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:23 am

i have been on a few different types of medication. currently taking veneflaxine. it has worked really well and helped to keep the depression at bay. there are some horrible side effects especially if i forget to take it. i feel now like it is wearing off and possibly need to up my dose or try another type of anti-depressant. i would not stop taking medication because i have done that before and had a really hard time.

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