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Need Help. Think I might Have Bipolar Depression.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 2:35 am
by Tears
I've been wondering this question for a while now. I just don't know who to ask.

Let's back-track a little bit.

If you check out my profile, you will know I've been depressed since 7/8th grade. My parents trying to be good parents have tried getting me help. a year ago they took me to the family counselor (that we only saw once a month) and only let me go for 2 sessions before they gave up on it. Never said "gas money is getting too high" "we don't have the time" **"we'll find more help"** nothing. Just stopped. Ever since then I've felt like i'm on my own, besides of "Bob" (my bf). My school has been telling me they are trying to set up a counselor for me. That was a month ago. So now my parents, school, and my friends just don't understand so they've given up on me too. Just me, Bob, and this chat room. That's all I have.

I've been able to get my depression "under control" by being over loaded with school. So now I have depression, but it's not a 24/7 thing. It comes on when ever it feels like. It's rarely caused by a trigger. Once, maybe a few times every other day. If I were to try to estimate. I just can't seem to find any regularity in it. I can't see anybody to get a professional opinion on it, I just need someone to answer this question for me.

With your judgement on my situation, do you think I might have bipolar depression? I'm trying to figure out why I can't get a hold of it, so as any teen I looked it up and this is what came up mostly. Just want someone who has gone through this to help with their opinion.

Thank you!

Re: Need Help. Think I might Have Bipolar Depression.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:25 am
by DiegoArgentina92
Well, could be, but, i think Bipolar disorder is more dramatic, you sound more like you have good times and then bad times, bipolar is more like you get more really out of control. Anyway, in case you dont know it, if you are having bipolar, dont think it as "im bipolar", like its something you are, its something you "are having" rather than "you have". So anyway, good luck. Take time to calm down, figure the way to feel ok, and wait for the future that always can be better.

Re: Need Help. Think I might Have Bipolar Depression.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:31 pm
by Tears
Thank you :)