Having troubles moving on...

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Having troubles moving on...

Postby chris_wi » Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:58 pm

Hi. I've posted once, but feel I need to vent a bit and really don't have anyone... I've been divorced for a bit over a year now, separated for much longer. I want to try to find someone to spend time with, get to know, maybe start a new relationship. However, I have a few issues with that... first, I don't have a clue where to even find someone. I mean, I'm not a good looking guy, a bit overweight... the ladies aren't overly interested... I think. I have social issues, don't really know how to pick up on the clues and such. But, the biggest issue, which I've recently identified, is moving on. Every time I talk to my ex we seem to get along well, and I wonder in the back of my mind if there isn't some chance to get back together. The marriage was NOT a good one, she used me for money, cut me off from all of my family and friends, emotionally and psychologically abused me (part of the issue with moving on and finding someone new... She always told me to not even consider leaving her, as no one else would ever want me.... possibly true... :( ) but part of me wonders. In my more intelligent moments I KNOW that it would never work, that it's not even a consideration, but... when I'm alone, depressed, thinking about how much I miss just having someone to curl up and watch a movie with or put my arm around while walking through the store... someone to joke with and laugh at me when I "borrow" the plastic skeleton from a store display, put it in the child seat of my cart and wander the store acting like it's perfectly normal... Just... someone to talk to at the end of the day, you know? I miss that. I've always said that I'm not a people person, and I admit I am an "acquired taste", but I only get close to a few people. Making friends has never been a strong skill of mine. My son is on the autistic range, and I wonder if I am a little as well.... personal skills are not something I have....

Geez, I've wandered here... habit of mine... I do feel better getting that out, though... So, small town here, not a lot of people, a few bars, no clubs... how do people in their mid/late thirties meet others around their age now? I'm not against a mature late 20ish person, but... I don't need a 19 year old party girl or something. I'm setting in life and looking for someone similar. Suggestions? Thoughts?

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Re: Having troubles moving on...

Postby nancylovesart » Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:47 pm

I completely understand the difficulty you're having moving on. I wish I could offer you some advice but I can't. I myself am having difficulty moving on from a relationship that ended over a year ago. It sounds to me like you were clearly involved in an abusive relatiionshp and I assure you there are others who would be interested in you. Some of the things she did and said were classic buser behavior. Maybe that'll help you in moving on (knowing that it was not a good relatonship).

Unfortunately, I'm 62 so am not in the age group you're looking for. I understand missing the simple things about having someone in a relationship.

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Postby nancylovesart » Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:52 pm

I've made attempts to move on, but it seems so far men are only interested in sex and nothing more. I'm looking for a RELATIONSHIP! I
'm not settleing and don't you either! :!:

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