Things Getting Worse?

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Things Getting Worse?

Postby BrokenPen » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:39 am

Recently, because I'm coming to the end of my college time, and I'm looking to get an internship, I feel the depression growing worse because of the fact that I haven't been able to find one. At least one that can utilize the skills that I have as mostly a creative writer (with some professional writing training). Each time I've gone looking for some place that could use someone, like a newspaper, no one seems to have one. And that already brings about that sensation of learned hopelessness.

I believe the word used for such a situation is Sisyphean from the Greek figure of Sisyphus who was punished by being sent to hell and pushing a rock up a hill, only to have it roll down and he'd have to start again.

And really, family seems to make it worse.

Such as how my brother says to me "Getting an internship is easy" Then again this comes from a guy who could buy five scratch tickets and win on all of them.

Still, the part that makes me think of how things are getting worse is that if there isn't a place that is looking for an intern who has writing skills what's to say that there are no jobs out there for such a profession?

On the other hand it probably is a useless question since from the look of things, economy wise, unemployment wise, and job listings. There are very few jobs out there and none for writers.

Really makes a certain permanent option look more attractive - know what I mean?

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Postby shatteredhopes » Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:56 am

Maybe you can't get an official internship, but there's a way to pracitice and polish your craft. Join, the marketplace for writers. Its for creative writers, professional writers, lay journalists...politics, religion, poetry, science, you name it, there are topics covering everything and you can suggest others. Your articles are ranked compared to others in the topic, and you can enter contests and win money and awards. Once established, you can earn marketplace status and submit articles for freelance. And you will then have on line writing samples when you submit resumes.

Enough commercial.

Are you in the U.S.? Try craigslist for writing opportunities. Some can be done over the internet. Write letters to the editor. I did that and my newspaper offered me a weekly column. No pay, though, so I didn't do it because I didn't want the deadline stress and anxiety for no pay. Are there events or other types of magazines you could write reviews for and submit cold?

If you are in the U.S., get a copy of "Writers Market" to find out rules for submitting freelance to magazines, finding publishers, contests you can enter, etc.

I empathize with the frustration of trying to write for a living. Its hard. Some people make it and some don't and when you have depression to boot, it seems nearly impossible. But, from your post I can see you have outstanding writing skills. SO DON'T GIVE UP BEFORE YOU START!

I wholeheartedly agree; some people seem to have an easier time than others and have a "charmed" life. Whatever the reason, I feel like I have had a hard life and some very bad luck. But try not to judge your insides by someone else's outsides. The holes we dig or those dug for us sometimes become the well from which we draw our strength. You have suffered much, maybe that's one reason you learned to express yourself so well.

DON'T GIVE UP BEFORE YOU START! Yes, you've faced some disappointments. So have I. Let's both try again.

Wishing you light in your day...

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