my situation

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my situation

Postby helenmf » Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:17 am

I'm a 22 year old female. I struggle with depression. I have been to therapy, group therapy, CBT, seen a counselor and have tried a number of different medications. I still am working with medication.

I have had some traumatic events in the past that I think are effecting the way I see the world now, but right now, my life is good and I do have it very easy you could say.

I am currently about to graduate college, I am terrified. Recently, more than usual, I have been experiencing a lot of self doubt and negative, illogical thoughts.

I feel like everyone at my school secretly hates me for some reason. They will talk bad about other students but then are very kind to their face and you would think they were absolutely the best of friends.

I treat everyone at school with respect, and they do to me as well. So with that in mind I kind of know it's all in my head that they dislike me. But there is always a part of me that feels as though I am, not a victim, but more like a loser.

It's effecting my life most of the time but there are still moments when I am happy. I can control some things to an extent. But I am in a bit of a slump plus have the graduation pressure going on.

I feel like I am going to fail in life and that people will always hate me. That feeling and thought is constantly lingering in my mind no matter how hard I or anyone else tries to prove it wrong.

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Sorry to hear

Postby Ch0senGen » Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:01 pm

I am 23. I have also struggled with feeling like a loser and being afraid of failing in life. It's not okay going through life feeling like people hate you. That is an attack against your mind and your livelihood. I often felt like I didn't fit in and that no one really liked me or cared about me. It's a lie. Don't believe it. Don't ever listen to something that doesn't make you feel valuable or that makes you feel worthless.

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Postby allseeingi » Tue May 24, 2016 6:21 pm

Most of what you've mentioned is similar to my own issues and problems I had at school and college. These issues have followed me in life and it wasn't until I was finally diagnosed 5 years ago with a mental condition, and when I found out more about it, that my life issues made sense.

I have a condition called DYSTHMIA, though I think it may now me called PERSISTENT DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (PDD). Google it and see if any of the symptoms relate to your own issues. If they do and you want to chat about it (how to deal, potential cures, meds etc) send me a PM.

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Re: my situation

Postby keepholdingon » Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:40 pm

I completely understand that feeling of "nobody likes me." I am very insecure and go through that every day. I'm always comparing myself to people and thinking they're more worthy of friends/happiness/whatever. Rationally, I know that's not true, but it doesn't stop the negative thoughts from coming. You're not alone. Have things gotten better now that you've graduated?

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