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Brook: to endure

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:11 pm
by Brook
My mother named me Brook because it's a Shakespearean verb meaning "to endure or to tolerate". The jokes on us because most people never know the true meaning. I began self injury when I was eight. I was in my early twenties before I knew that anyone did that type of thing. It was a secret I kept for over fifteen years. I was molested when I was eight which started a spiral of weight gain that I have struggled with my whole life.

My parents cared about me and my brother but they were so involved in their own issues. We were upper middle class and my father was a youth minister when we discovered that he had had several affairs. My mother collapsed and then soon after, my father fell as well. They divorced after thirty years of marriage. I lived in a home where I took care of my brother and wasn't allowed to let the outside know what hell we went through on the inside. My parents were violent volatile, using guns and burning things. My parents continually tried to commit suicide. I have never been so on the edge of a breakdown as I was during my early twenties. My father eventually had to enter a mental hospital where I had him transferred to a rehab facility. He lives on his own now and does very well except for a few dramatic moments from time to time. My mother is still a successful hospital administrator but our relationship will never be what it should be.

My brother was always my best friend but he struggles with addiction, specifically heroin. It's terrifying. He has destroyed us all to a certain point. He is now living on the streets in Georgia. That terrifies and kills me.

Then there's me. It's hard to talk about myself and what I go through. I feel so stuck and restricted by my own mind. I recently ended a relationship with the man I thought I would spend my life with. I'm devastated. I don't know how to handle it and on any given day, I consider giving it all up. But I'm working toward something better. Like I said, I am working on things. If you would like to know more, you'll probably have to ask me specifically because like I said, I do have trouble talking about myself. It makes me feel so very guilty. I live alone now and work full time and go to school full time.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this room and for each one of you. I only hope I can support you as you have supported me.


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:23 am
by MoMac
((((((((((((((((Brook)))))))))))))))))). I can't think of any more to say acceept well done for still providing such good support to others.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:07 pm
by Emotional_77
Sounds rough what you had to go through and I could only imagine how rough it was for you but your here, you made it and you are a wonderful person! :) You are so supportive of others in this forum and chat we all appreciate your kindness.