Well...... Me?

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Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:09 am

Well...... Me?

Postby UnluckyOne13 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:16 pm

I guess I should put something about myself on here. i will probably add more, but maybe not.

I am a seventeen, about to be 18 in less then a week, y.o girl who lives in the states. I live with my father a couple states away from my mom. My mom and dad have been split up sense I was 3 months old. I have a step dad and a younger half brother. I have lived with my dad sense I was 16, but sometimes I think I made the wrong decision. I am currently trying day by day to battle my way through depression to graduate, but by the looks of it I won't. I use to be an all A student, but I am not anymore and it makes me feel worse because no matter how many times I tell myself I need to change for the better I can't.

Posts: 411
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:24 am
Location: UK

Postby jj » Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:54 pm

I can relate a lot. Do you have a counsellor or anything at school?

You think you can't change for the better, but you can. Coming here, that is change, right? And you'll be getting support, help, encouragement here, that is change for the better.

I think sometimes all we need is someone to believe in us and give us a push of positivity to keep fighting for the things we want, in the midst of depression. Just remember this is not permanent, try to give your self perspective and imagine yourself in 10 years from now, what do you want? Where will you be? What will you look like? Who will you be surrounded by?

Asking myself things like that can help me to push through when I'm depressed and trying focus on my studies and exams and things.

You can do it. Keep strong

Much love


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