A little about me

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A little about me

Postby Jazminetta » Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:21 am

I am a 39 year old female in Northern New Jersey. Up until the recession I worked all my life. I have had considerable difficulty finding another job. All I have found was some temporary work with a wonderful company that I worked for in the past. Unfortunately the economy stinks for them too but they did their best to keep me on. Now all I can do is hope to hear from them again soon. My job there was my whole identity. I was so happy there. I get so angry, not with them because I know it isn't their fault. They did everything they could do to keep me. I just want my job back. I look in other places and they tell me that I am "Overqualified."
As I stated in the music thread, I like all kinds of music. I wrote poetry in the past but just haven't been "feeling it" lately. I don' t do well in relationships. My last long term boyfriend turned out to be one of those self entitled adult little kids who got fired from every job he ever had. I finally broke up with him when he started telling me he was getting into fights. I also witnessed a really bad fight between him and his mom. He actually threatened to kill her for no reason at all. So I broke up with him and he kept calling me, begging me to go out with him again. So yeah, after that I am not much into relationships anymore.
My dog is one thing in my life that keeps me going. She may be little but she brings so much happiness to everyone. She is a peke a poo and when I got her she could actually fit into the palm of my hand. My sister has two dogs of her own that I also love. I babysit them often.
I really dig tv. When I was a little kid and I came home from school crying after being bullied all day, tv was my only friend. My sister and I like each other, don't get me wrong. But we were born 5 years apart and don't have a ton of stuff in common.
Gosh, I have practically written you a book so I will stop here.

Posts: 411
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:24 am
Location: UK

Postby jj » Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:09 am

hey Jazminetta :)

firstly, you can never write too much here :D the more you open up and tell us about yourself (which we are interested in!) the more people can try to offer support and advice as they better understand your situation.

sorry that you lost your job thats a horrible thing to have to happen. :( im sure you know that all you can do is keep trying. i know you say you loved that job but try to let it be so it doesnt hold you back from new jobs and new experiences. you might find something you love even more.

thats great you have a passion for music writing and poetry, i enjoy writing and singing music too, and when im in the blues i dont feel it either. its important not to force it i think though. it will come back when it is ready and your creativity will flare! have trust in yourself :)

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