Depression question

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Depression question

Postby Mrsderby » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:03 pm


As you may know, I have been suffereing from memory loss and cognative issues for some time now. My Dr today said it is not a medical issue but severe depression and possibly some form of psychosis... I do not feel at all depressed. Frustrated and a little angry about my medical issues this past 2 months but not at all depressed. Not lethargic, not hopeless, not sad, nothing.

Has anyone ever heard of this? How can you be depressed without being sad???

Welcome any feedback.

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Postby hollyann » Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:06 pm

Hi mrsderby. I think sometimes the frustration and being angry can be symptoms of depression. And yes depression can cause memory troubles. Have you asked anyone around you if theyve seen any changes in you? Or asked your doctor exactly why he thinks you are depressed? Sometimes medical issues can cause depression.

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Memory problems

Postby Mrsderby » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:43 am

(((hollyann))) I know you have read my posts in the past and may remember I have had a lot of medical issues in the past couple of months. The Dr I spoke to yesterday was my new PCP, never seen him before. He was in and out of the office too fast for detailed conversations. I see my Psych Dr again Saturday and will ask him. I also have an appt with a new Neuro in April and will ask them. I just seem to be on this snowball of mental/physical problems and can't figure out which came first. Have not yet found a Dr who will take the time to find out. Each Dr points the other way and it feels like they just want to wash their hands of it. Grrrrrr. :) I am just starting to get nervous because of time lines. I am on Long Term Disability for 1.5 years now. Caseworker said my claim will end first of May. There is no way I can work like this. Also on appeal stage with SSDI. I realize it is difficult for them to make a decision without knowing what the actual problem is but I don't even know. Am I sick because I'm depressed? or am I depressed because I'm sick??? The answer to that question will determine the rest of my life real soon. I am just having trouble finding the Dr that will take the time to find out. PCP? Psych? Neuro? Someone else? I desperatly need someone to help me with all this but there is no one. Yes, I have caseworkers for LTD and SSDI but I still have to do the research myself. However, with these complex migraines happening every day that makes being dependable to do anything all but impossible. When I have a complex migraine I get severely confused and lose the ability to communicate and that lasts most of the day. Makes it hard to even call a Dr office to make an appt. PCP started me on Neurontin for the migraines so maybe they will go away or at least slow down enough for me to function.

I know I am complaining too much and I'm sorry. I am just so frustrated and stressed. I feel like I'm standing in a crowded room screaming for help and no one can hear me.

I made an appt with a CBT therapist but, with these migraines being so incapacitating and unpredictable I had to cancel until I get these under control. Very expensive to miss an appt without 24 hrs notice.

Have a great one.

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Postby hollyann » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:02 pm

Sorry your health is so bad. Keep after the doctors. Good luck with the appeal. We hear you.


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Good news

Postby Mrsderby » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:20 pm

Talked with my insurance company BH department today. Explained the issue with getting to therapy. They are going to try to find a therapist that will come to my home!!! That would be so great. See psych Dr tomorrow. Lots to discuss. On overload today and need help.

Oh, the neurontin for the migraines? Had a sever side effect yesterday and had to stop taking it. 3rd med they have tried. Once again, on no treatment to prevent the migraines. I am such a magnet for side effects it is rediculous.

Have now lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks because no appetite and can't keep food down. PCP prescribed naseuo med but insurance doesn't cover it. Once again, Grrr.

p.s. oh, well. One piece of good news is more than I could expect for one day.


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Postby dd-va » Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:17 pm

Sorry that you had frustrating news! Hope that things work out for you soon! Take Care

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Postby balcony » Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:24 am

Hi MrsDerby, I hope they are able to find a therapist for you that will come to your home, that sounds like a great idea. Let us know how the doctor appoint goes tomorrow, thinking of you and wishing you good news.

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Postby Mrsderby » Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:16 am

Love my psych dr. He listened to me!!! Not used to that from a Dr. He prescribed Paxil. Any experience with that? Never had it before. He feels I am no where near ready to go to work. He will relay that to Lont Term Disability and may support me in SSDI.


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Postby dd-va » Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:57 pm

Glad to hear the appointment went well. Sorry, I have no experience with Paxil. Keep us posted on how things are going with you! Take Care!

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Postby balcony » Sun Mar 18, 2012 5:45 pm

MrsDerby, hugs. I am so happy to hear it went well. Sometimes feeling as though someone actively listened is the greatest. I am sorry I have no experience with the medication. Keep asking your questions though, you will find the answers. Congratulations on a good day.

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