Needing a place to vent

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Needing a place to vent

Postby achiafo » Fri Oct 18, 2019 3:50 pm

Hey guys. My name is Aaron. It's nice meeting you. I suppose I should start off by saying I don't normally suffer from depression. Anxiety is another story, though. I have been diagnosed and hospitalized with a series of anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Anxiety Disorder. I also suffer from extreme agoraphobia. That being said, my anxiety causes issues, and issues cause depression. So there is always some depression to accompany anxiety, and vice versa.

I also should mention I work in a mental health support role. My official title is "Mental Health Peer Support Specialist." I manage two different "wellness centers" in two different cities, and I also do one-on-one activities with a few clients. I am also in school to become a "Behavioral Health Paraprofessional." I am NOT a licensed therapist, so if I ever offer help or advice, please bear this in mind.

My line of work often takes a mental and emotional toll on my health. It's not an easy job by any means. I have seen a lot of success, but also a lot of tragedy. I figured I would create an account here, in order to "vent" in a way that I can not vent in my day to day life, due to my career. But I am also here to listen. Listening is about the only thing I am good at doing. I look forward to meeting all of you. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction, and I hope your day is filled with positive vibes!

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Re: Needing a place to vent

Postby Spleefy » Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:11 pm

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for introducing yourself. Depression and anxiety commonly coexist. I had both and it paralyzed me to the point where I struggled to leave the house.

You are in a highly stressful role and battling your own mental health issues. But I bet you are still making a significant difference to those lives you help, and I’m sure they appreciate you very much for it.

I hope you find comfort in sharing your experiences and getting things off your chest on here.

Take care.

Lil Welby
Posts: 19
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:33 pm

Re: Needing a place to vent

Postby Lil Welby » Sat Oct 19, 2019 1:20 pm

Hi Aaron,

It's nice to meet you. I admire your ability to help others while also struggling with issues yourself. I'm looking forward to any "venting" that needs to be done. I hope that myself and others on the forum can have a positive impact in your life, as you seem to have a positive impact on the lives of so many others. Have a great day!


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Re: Needing a place to vent

Postby littlestarsmum » Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:34 am

Welcome aboard, Aaron! Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing a lil about yourself. I appreciate your willingness to listen and offer help here while you have your own ongoing struggles. This is a great place to share/vent, and I’m sure you’ll find a lot of help. Looking forward to hear more from you. Have a blessed stay!

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Re: Needing a place to vent

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:09 am

achiafo wrote:Hey guys. My name is Aaron. It's nice meeting you. I suppose I should start off by saying I don't normally suffer from depression. Anxiety is another story, though. I have been diagnosed and hospitalized with a series of anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Anxiety Disorder. I also suffer from extreme agoraphobia. That being said, my anxiety causes issues, and issues cause depression. So there is always some depression to accompany anxiety, and vice versa.

I also should mention I work in a mental health support role. My official title is "Mental Health Peer Support Specialist." I manage two different "wellness centers" in two different cities, and I also do one-on-one activities with a few clients. I am also in school to become a "Behavioral Health Paraprofessional." I am NOT a licensed therapist, so if I ever offer help or advice, please bear this in mind.

My line of work often takes a mental and emotional toll on my health. It's not an easy job by any means. I have seen a lot of success, but also a lot of tragedy. I figured I would create an account here, in order to "vent" in a way that I can not vent in my day to day life, due to my career. But I am also here to listen. Listening is about the only thing I am good at doing. I look forward to meeting all of you. Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction, and I hope your day is filled with positive vibes!

The point being is you have anxiety. It takes many different forms but they can all be overcome with mental fortitude. You should really have confidence in yourself, and know that tough situations are highly unlikely. If you take the right actions throughout your life. A therapist can help you discover mental problems and solutions.

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