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New here

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:39 pm
by CrackedButNotBroken
Hello. I'm new here and thought I should say something about myself. I have MDD, GAD, and ADD. It's tough, but I'm sure most of you don't need to be told that. I'm currently in a daily struggle, but I have faith it'll eventually turn around. All I have to do is hold on long enough. I'm financially destroyed, many of my friends haven't been able to handle my struggle, and I almost always feel I have no one to talk to. I'm not reallly sure what I'm expecting from being here, but I figure at worst it leads no where.

Re: New here

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:09 am
by Spleefy
Hi CrackedButNotBroken,

Creative name. Even has a positive spin.

Many things you said is optimistic. Yes, things will look up for you, if you just hold on long enough. And one of the things that can make all the difference is our outlook, even when things seem to be out of our control.

A scripture I find useful is found at 2 Corinthians 4:8:

"We are hard-pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out."

So things do change, even if it may not seem like it right now. So do hold on to that faith that things will turn around for you! As you identified, you just need to hold on long enough to see those changes.

I'm sorry to hear about your friends. Depression (especially when it coexists with anxiety) makes it exceedingly difficult to make and keep friends. Owing to this, I gravitated towards other people who were depressed because they could at least understand. On the one hand this was good because you have a friend. But on the other hand we just fueled each other's depression. Everyday it was like, "depressed?" Friend nods and goes, "yeahhhh" in the most depressing tone. It is hilarious in retrospect, but it was our reality back then.

Of all things, the one thing that I couldn't solve is how to have healthy relationships while I had depression. I self-sabotaged, which included sabotaging every relationship that I had. The only one that stuck around was the friend with depression, which I guess makes sense. The relationship was probably toxic because of it, but at least we could be depressed together and not feel so alone.

I haven't had depression or anxiety for years, so I haven't thought much about these things. But when I read the posts, I start remembering all this. It is had to imagine that the depression and anxiety was so severe. I am not sure how I endured it, let alone survived it. But I did because I held on long enough, just like you are doing!

If you ever need to talk, there are people here (myself included) that will be more than happy to talk to you.

Re: New here

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:53 am
by Prycejosh1987
CrackedButNotBroken wrote:Hello. I'm new here and thought I should say something about myself. I have MDD, GAD, and ADD. It's tough, but I'm sure most of you don't need to be told that. I'm currently in a daily struggle, but I have faith it'll eventually turn around. All I have to do is hold on long enough. I'm financially destroyed, many of my friends haven't been able to handle my struggle, and I almost always feel I have no one to talk to. I'm not reallly sure what I'm expecting from being here, but I figure at worst it leads no where.

You can change the situation, but it will only change once you personally start taking action. It wont change by itself, you have to provoke the change.