Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

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Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby Narayani » Sat Apr 06, 2019 12:39 pm

I have been going through a tough time for the past few months. Stopped my school and part time work to take care of my mom. Who is currently in wheelchair. Things have not really nice between me and her. I realise I get more angry over whatever she said. And also started to feel that she is giving more priority to my elder brothers then be. Some since the pass few months of last year till today I feel the same way.
At one point of time. I was really hurt. I locked myself in my room. This happen in March. I was all the way in the room. Slept throughout the day. And realise nobody came to look for me in my room if I’m alright. Then, I started throwing everything around my room. Tear my T-Shirts. To make things worse I started slashing my hand with a sharp scissors. And then my dad came to check on me. Maybe roughly about 6.30pm. He took the scissors away from me as I started to bleed slightly. Then, my mom she came into my room and started shouting at me for being like this. I got even more angry and slam the door towards her. At that point of time I was expecting my mom to talk to me nicely but when she started shouting I turned mad. That’s when things got even worse. She called the police. As usual police came talk to me. Arrested me for self-harm. I was brought back to station. That point of time I broke down totally because that is my first time I was handcuffed. I was kept in the cell for one whole day. I still remember I cried so much. Especially after my consultation with an psychiatrist I was told I can go back home at about 11am. When I called my family to bail me out. There was no one to come to fetch me. That got me even harder. I was broke. And in the evening my dad came to fetch me back home.
Once I got bailed out. I came home crying so bad. When the police brought me to psychiatrist they prescribe me with sleeping pills. As I was thinking about all this the whole day. Every night I took the sleeping pills and sleep. I wasn’t able to eat properly. I lock myself in my room for almost a week. Then my family decided to send me to Malaysia to my relatives place for a week. I went there spent some time and came back home a week later. But still feel the same.
Last week I went for my appt with my psychiatrist. After examining and talking to me. He told me I might be going through mild depression. And he prescribe me with sertraline. I took it for three days. Then heard my mother’s conversation with my dad. She told him I am lazing around because I don’t want to go to work. And I am acting depressed when I am actually alright. That’s hurt me and I threw away the tablets. Yesterday I went back to my doctor because after stopping the medicine I realise I was sweating and feeling dizzy. And I started to self harm again. He told me to take back the medicine and ignore what others says as they don’t know what I’m going through. He also told me to visit the emergency if I feel like self harming again.
As of today, I’m still upset. But I’m doing all my work as normal. Hiding my feelings because I don’t want to feel hurt again by what others says. And silently take my medicine every night. I don’t know if I will recover because I still have the feeling of hurting myself and I don’t know why. And still getting angry now and then. I have a psycho theraphy appt next month. To find out what’s wrong with me. And also have a appt with my psychiatrist next month. I’m just so confused am I alright? Why is whatever people saying is affecting me so much.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby housecat » Sat Apr 06, 2019 10:34 pm

Unfortunately, people who don't suffer from depression often have trouble understanding it. People tend to judge from their own experiences, and I don't know why but they so often they assume the worst of people while they do it. They are probably frustrated out of concern, and it comes out as a harmful mess. They are not professionals, and they do not know how to handle it. I would listen to your doctor. You're not alone in people not understanding and making accusations, just know that you know your own feelings better than they do, and you are not being over-dramatic.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby froggymom » Mon Apr 08, 2019 1:52 pm

People who don't suffer from depression just don't get it. They don't understand and are at a loss as to what to do. Sometimes they are in denial. It is easier to convince themselves there is really nothing wrong and you are acting.You are hurting and are not getting the affection and compassion you need at this time. I am so sorry for you. Continue to see your therapist and discuss the issues with him/her. You are important and deserve happiness and to be treated with dignity. You might find some help understanding your need to self-harm https://bit.ly/2xonvIF here.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby NoniCr8 » Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:03 pm

I've always thought it's hard for people without clinical depression to understand, more so than other conditions because everybody experiences s type of depression at some time in their life and so I think they tend to compare their experiences with clinical depression which as you know is very different. It would be like someone with writer's cramp comparing themselves with someone who had arthritis or someone with a headache comparing themselves to someone who suffers with migraines. Mental illness has such a stigma because really there is no scientific way to measure it and this only adds to misunderstanding. This is why it's important to have sights like this one so we are able to communicate with people that understand. You might want to explain that it is not normal to self harm or shut yourself away. People with normal thinking processes don't do those types of things even for attention...so obviously there is something wrong that needs to be addressed.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby SirOats » Mon Apr 08, 2019 10:39 pm

Yeah Narayani, the "outsiders" if you will, just don't get it. To them it's just a simple matter of stop the destructive behavior. To just be happy. Try not to let that get to you too much.
Forgiveness. Try to forgive yourself. Try to forgive your family. Forgiveness isn't acceptance, it's easy to confuse the ideas. Keep with the therapists, be patient with them as much as you can. They, like your family, are trying to help. The main difference is that "they", therapists, have been trained and your family most likely hasn't been.
God speed.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby Sadinatura » Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:25 am

I'm so sorry for what you're going through, this must be tough. I didn't know you could be arrested for self-harm. I personally have gone through a lot of what you have gone through, if you want to pm me, I would 'love' to speak with you and hear what you're going through. Stay strong. Don't listen to what everyone else says.

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Recykling - skup katalizatorów

Postby Charlesagict » Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:44 am

Posiadają Państwo uszkodzone katalizatory, z którymi nie za bardzo wiadomo, co poczynić? Zachęcamy w takim razie do zaznajomienia się z tą profesjonalną usługą. Mamy specjalistyczny skup katalizatorów w <?php echo$incity?>, jaki będzie mógł tak naprawdę wziąć każdą ilość zużytych katalizatorów. Katalizatory niejednokrotnie ulegają po prostu uszkodzeniu. Choć to podzespoły naprawdę trwałe, to niestety po pewnym czasie zaczynają one tracić swoje właściwości filtracyjne. Podzespoły takie będą mogły także być zrobione z delikatnej porcelany, a więc zdarzają się sytuacje, że zniszczenie polega zwyczajnie na rozkruszeniu się tych rzeczy. My jednakże będziemy mogli wziąć w dowolnym stanie katalizatory skup <?php echo$city?> odpowiednio je niszczy, jak i oferuje swoim klientom rozsądne warunki cenowe za wykup. Możemy się pochwalić technologiami, dzięki którym możemy wykonać utylizowanie w sposób, jaki nie obciąża naszej przyrody. U nas nie ma znaczenia pochodzenie tych części. Zapraszamy osoby dysponujące podzespołami od pojazdów osobowych, ciężarówek, maszyn oraz profesjonalnego sprzętu.

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Re: Why do people think I’m acting when I’m depressed. Am I right or wrong?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:23 pm

Narayani wrote:I have been going through a tough time for the past few months. Stopped my school and part time work to take care of my mom. Who is currently in wheelchair. Things have not really nice between me and her. I realise I get more angry over whatever she said. And also started to feel that she is giving more priority to my elder brothers then be. Some since the pass few months of last year till today I feel the same way.
At one point of time. I was really hurt. I locked myself in my room. This happen in March. I was all the way in the room. Slept throughout the day. And realise nobody came to look for me in my room if I’m alright. Then, I started throwing everything around my room. Tear my T-Shirts. To make things worse I started slashing my hand with a sharp scissors. And then my dad came to check on me. Maybe roughly about 6.30pm. He took the scissors away from me as I started to bleed slightly. Then, my mom she came into my room and started shouting at me for being like this. I got even more angry and slam the door towards her. At that point of time I was expecting my mom to talk to me nicely but when she started shouting I turned mad. That’s when things got even worse. She called the police. As usual police came talk to me. Arrested me for self-harm. I was brought back to station. That point of time I broke down totally because that is my first time I was handcuffed. I was kept in the cell for one whole day. I still remember I cried so much. Especially after my consultation with an psychiatrist I was told I can go back home at about 11am. When I called my family to bail me out. There was no one to come to fetch me. That got me even harder. I was broke. And in the evening my dad came to fetch me back home.
Once I got bailed out. I came home crying so bad. When the police brought me to psychiatrist they prescribe me with sleeping pills. As I was thinking about all this the whole day. Every night I took the sleeping pills and sleep. I wasn’t able to eat properly. I lock myself in my room for almost a week. Then my family decided to send me to Malaysia to my relatives place for a week. I went there spent some time and came back home a week later. But still feel the same.
Last week I went for my appt with my psychiatrist. After examining and talking to me. He told me I might be going through mild depression. And he prescribe me with sertraline. I took it for three days. Then heard my mother’s conversation with my dad. She told him I am lazing around because I don’t want to go to work. And I am acting depressed when I am actually alright. That’s hurt me and I threw away the tablets. Yesterday I went back to my doctor because after stopping the medicine I realise I was sweating and feeling dizzy. And I started to self harm again. He told me to take back the medicine and ignore what others says as they don’t know what I’m going through. He also told me to visit the emergency if I feel like self harming again.
As of today, I’m still upset. But I’m doing all my work as normal. Hiding my feelings because I don’t want to feel hurt again by what others says. And silently take my medicine every night. I don’t know if I will recover because I still have the feeling of hurting myself and I don’t know why. And still getting angry now and then. I have a psycho theraphy appt next month. To find out what’s wrong with me. And also have a appt with my psychiatrist next month. I’m just so confused am I alright? Why is whatever people saying is affecting me so much.

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