
Introductions and welcomes.

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Postby Nhwiren » Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:20 pm


I struggle with depression and suicidal ideation. I'm currently seeing a counselor, and have a couple of people in my life who know what's going on. Altogether, though, the few conversations I've had have left me feeling worse afterward. Lectures, reasoning, and informing me that I just need to think more positively are the sum total of the responses I've received. I feel like nothing short of a nuisance and burden talking to my spouse and one friend who knows about my issues because of the responses I've mentioned. I understand that if someone has not had a mental illness, it can be hard to sympathize and know the words to say - and so here I am, hoping to hear from others who have had similar experiences. I feel like I'm spiraling further and further inward because I have no one to communicate with. Even writing this post has been therapeutic, though, so... thank you :-)

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Re: Introduction

Postby KatieScarlett » Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:04 pm

I’m new here as of a minute ago. I am newly working with a counselor as well. Family is “aware” of my struggles. As aware as people can be with a hidden illness. They can’t offer me chicken soup or take my temperature to help me. My life is pretty amazing from the outside. That makes it more difficult for them to understand the physical pain that depression and anxiety causes. I came here to chat in hopes that like minds could help each other.

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Re: Introduction

Postby Nhwiren » Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:37 am

KatieScarlett wrote:I’m new here as of a minute ago. I am newly working with a counselor as well. Family is “aware” of my struggles. As aware as people can be with a hidden illness. They can’t offer me chicken soup or take my temperature to help me. My life is pretty amazing from the outside. That makes it more difficult for them to understand the physical pain that depression and anxiety causes. I came here to chat in hopes that like minds could help each other.

Well, welcome! :) I feel you on how people around you have a hard time understanding your illness. My life is also very good from the outside looking in, and I am very thankful for it. For me, my depression is definitely self-focused - the bulk of my depressive and suicidal thoughts revolve around my own lack of worth, rather than negative outside factors (of which I have little). Seeing a counselor is really good! On my end, we've been working back to see what helped trigger this depressive episode. Knowledge is power! I hope that this community helps you :) Being on here for less than a day, I am already feeling comforted that there are other people out there who are struggling, but still taking one day at a time.

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Re: Introduction

Postby lovingladyo4 » Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:37 am

Welcome Nhwiren - I think you will find this to be a comfortable place to share your thoughts. We are allowed to be raw honest about the reality we live each day, and I personally have found much comfort and relief from my worries when I talk it over. Depression has run in my family for generations, and thankfully I am no longer dealing with it due to becoming educated on how the human body has been designed, and taking steps to remove depression from my life.

I think my first question to you is to ask if you have been checked by a functional doctor specializing in endocrinology. This type of doctor has way more knowledge than a conventional doctor. Depression has its origins in a number of things, so finding out exactly what you are dealing with and why will help you a lot. Finding the right person to help you is key. Your situation may involve a genetic disorder, hormonal imbalances (men & women alike), situational challenges, poor diet and lifestyle, and a host of other factors.

I am not a big fan of the "positive thinking" approach - as it suggests we have a simple mechanism built inside that can be flipped on when we need it to. If it were that easy, no one would need to write on this forum describing their dark days and feelings of incompetency.

Since the brain governs every aspect of our existence, we need to find out how we got depressed, what is happening in all the systems of our body, and let the right kind of doctor treat the root cause. It may sound overwhelming to tackle this big subject, but as the Chinese proverb states, a thousand mile journey starts with one step.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.

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Re: Introduction

Postby j2415 » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:47 pm

Hi- I’m sorry you are going through depression but I’m glad you are seeing a counselor.

I have a friend who is going through depression and anxiety, she said that getting up everyday is a struggle. Her relationship with her family is getting affected with her moods. She decided to join a support group and it was a big help for her. It helps her to be encouraged and feel less lonely. I hope you can also join a group that you can meet in person and I hope it will help you to get well soon.

Please update us and I hope you get the support you need through this forum. I pray for peace and you will get better soon. God bless.

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Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:03 pm

Re: Introduction

Postby Nhwiren » Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:17 pm

lovingladyo4 wrote:Welcome Nhwiren - I think you will find this to be a comfortable place to share your thoughts. We are allowed to be raw honest about the reality we live each day, and I personally have found much comfort and relief from my worries when I talk it over. Depression has run in my family for generations, and thankfully I am no longer dealing with it due to becoming educated on how the human body has been designed, and taking steps to remove depression from my life.

I think my first question to you is to ask if you have been checked by a functional doctor specializing in endocrinology. This type of doctor has way more knowledge than a conventional doctor. Depression has its origins in a number of things, so finding out exactly what you are dealing with and why will help you a lot. Finding the right person to help you is key. Your situation may involve a genetic disorder, hormonal imbalances (men & women alike), situational challenges, poor diet and lifestyle, and a host of other factors.

I am not a big fan of the "positive thinking" approach - as it suggests we have a simple mechanism built inside that can be flipped on when we need it to. If it were that easy, no one would need to write on this forum describing their dark days and feelings of incompetency.

Since the brain governs every aspect of our existence, we need to find out how we got depressed, what is happening in all the systems of our body, and let the right kind of doctor treat the root cause. It may sound overwhelming to tackle this big subject, but as the Chinese proverb states, a thousand mile journey starts with one step.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts.

Thank you very much for your words! I'm going to call a psychiatric nurse practitioner that my therapist has recommended. I'll have to see if she has a background in understanding endocrinology as well. If not, that will be something I'll have to look into! Thank you very much for the recommendation. I really appreciate your response.

Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:03 pm

Re: Introduction

Postby Nhwiren » Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:20 pm

j2415 wrote:Hi- I’m sorry you are going through depression but I’m glad you are seeing a counselor.

I have a friend who is going through depression and anxiety, she said that getting up everyday is a struggle. Her relationship with her family is getting affected with her moods. She decided to join a support group and it was a big help for her. It helps her to be encouraged and feel less lonely. I hope you can also join a group that you can meet in person and I hope it will help you to get well soon.

Please update us and I hope you get the support you need through this forum. I pray for peace and you will get better soon. God bless.

Thank you! My therapist has mentioned a support group - I should take her up on that. Being able to share, even though it's only been a couple days of being on here, has been really helpful and given me more hope. I think it's awesome that your friend has a sympathetic support like you :) I appreciate your prayers very, very much.

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