
Introductions and welcomes.

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Postby lolitapop » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:06 am

I'm here just because I guess I've never really wanted to admit I have depression...or talk about it to anyone. Even when I went to my doctors and he did a depression screening, I said no to all his questions. I have a pretty bad habit of bottling things up and not wanting to confront them. I guess I realized I had depression when I looked up some symptoms and was like...wow I have most of these. Most of the time I don't have any energy to do anything so I just stay in bed all day, which I would say happens most of the week. I stay up till very late and then sleep until the afternoon. I have a horrible time with concentration, whenever I try to do schoolwork or anything else, I just end up watching youtube videos. I would say on my worst days I feel empty...like a potato, and I just want to sleep all day. I get irritable pretty easy and can never make decisions. Every time my family asks me what I want to do in life or what job I want, I get super angry and then frustrated at myself that I can never figure out what I want in life. I have no interest in anything...literally anything, except staying at home, which I also something I hate myself for. I feel so useless and pathetic all the time..that I'm just living with my parent and biding my time in school while I figure out my life. This was probably pretty rambley..but yeah.

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Re: Hello

Postby TheErickDaniel » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:45 am

Sounds like you need some guidance on discovering what your value is, and what you can contribute through reciprocity. I coach people with the same mindset you have and they come out realizing what was blocking them in the first place, it's quite silly. You need to text me so we can break it down for you :-) +1 714-886-6581

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Re: Hello

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:10 pm

Hi and welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear your having a hard time right now. Can't imagine what it must be like.

You identified most of the symptoms people with depression have. I experience most of them too. I find it's really hard on daily basis trying to keep happy and pretend everything is ok when it isn't.

The depression. Hits me at times when I don't expect it. Like today I met up with my friend for coffee and she had to go back cuz was going to see others on the ward back home and I felt so lonely at sad at that point. I didn't wanna tell her can you stay longer or what but she had to go. Realising that time she went and others were with people made me feel so sad and when I got home that mood made it feel worse. I don't know what hit me. It was her leaving like everyone else leaving me was the issue. Don't you have the same problem?

I get so alone often. I know that's another cause of depression. I don't have many friends and family I can't talk to. Like I am suffering in silence when I shouldn't. The most important person who your suppose to be able to talk to about things is your mum and can't do that. Right now she's ill and if I make things worse

Do you have any support system? Are you seeing a doctor? I'm hoping to go counselling soon. Are you at counselling?

I hope you can talk about this to someone soon and wish you luck.

Take Care x

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Re: Hello

Postby lolitapop » Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:15 pm

I often feel lonely too...I actually don't have any friends where I live and its hard for me to even meet people. I'm mostly at home and I guess I keep coming up with excuses to not go anywhere, like too much schoolwork, or I don't feel like it. I wish I had more of a support system, either counselling or a therapist. Of course, I'm a very quiet person and I have a hard time always articulating my thoughts to other people in person, so I think I've been scared of seeing a therapist. I feel like I should talk to my mom...but I don't know if she would be that much help. She would probably just say I need to see a doctor. Shes guessed at it before though, I was just unwilling to say anything.

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Re: Hello

Postby TheErickDaniel » Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:02 pm

Take action let me see how I can help.

lolitapop wrote:I often feel lonely too...I actually don't have any friends where I live and its hard for me to even meet people. I'm mostly at home and I guess I keep coming up with excuses to not go anywhere, like too much schoolwork, or I don't feel like it. I wish I had more of a support system, either counselling or a therapist. Of course, I'm a very quiet person and I have a hard time always articulating my thoughts to other people in person, so I think I've been scared of seeing a therapist. I feel like I should talk to my mom...but I don't know if she would be that much help. She would probably just say I need to see a doctor. Shes guessed at it before though, I was just unwilling to say anything.

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