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Introductions and welcomes.

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New Member

Postby overandover » Sun May 31, 2009 3:29 am

Hi all, How/Where do I start? Well, I am 26 have 2 children under 6, a hubby that works five nights a week... I have had symotms of depression/anxiety for about 10 years now but never really sought help I was on meds after the birth of my second child but now its back!!! I never really experienced the feeling of being in a dark lonely hole until 6 months ago it just hit me and over i went :) I am seeing a psychologist fortnightly, that helps, I have no friends anymore, the only people i will talk to is my family... i have locked myself away from the world, the mind is blurred most of the time, I try to tell myself to snap out of it but that just doesnt work anymore... It seems my phsycologist is having trouble diagnosing me... Sorry if i have bored you hopefully I can let myself shine asap :) I look forward to learning that I am not the only one with problems, and connecting withyou all Cheers!!

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Postby georgiapeach » Sun May 31, 2009 5:11 am

((((((((((((( overandover ))))))))))))))))))))))
welcome here above is a hug... hehe, this is a great place to share your thoughts/feelings. sorry im not saying to much more, im exhausted right now due to lack of sleep. i hope you post more in the future and i look forward to them. again welcome!!!! <3

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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:16 pm

Hi Over~

You'll love this site. The people are all incredibly nice. Don't worry, you don't bore us - that's what we're here for.

Just feel free to tell us anything and ask questions. Between all of us we can fix you up!

Write again!


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Postby Monty » Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:17 pm


I can relate to the problem of professionals having difficulty in giving a diagnosis. I can't remember how many pdocs I went to until they gave me the diagnosis of BipolarII.

It ran the whole gamut, from paranoid shizophenia to the bipolar region. I am not sure, that if in the end, they just settled for the flavor of the month.

My kids were also small when I was ill. It is tough trying to juggle the balls of being a wife, a mother of a couple of small kids, and then your own mental health added to the mix.

Try and take as good a care of your health as you can. I am sure that I have been told a thousand times, how I have to take care of myself so that I don't get too far down that I can't take care of my other responsibilities. It is advice that I have a hard time following because it often seems, that as women, we just naturally are caretakers of the entire planet, except ourselves.

Aren't I ponitificating today.

I am getting quite nervous and have to head off to an appointment, but because I am not sure how my day is going to do timewise. I wanted to drop a quite note just to welcome you and to let you know that you can really just vent at this site.

Everyone is very kind, and just as important very patient. Just tell us your story at your own pace but remember that all of the posts here get read.

It is safe here.

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Postby aim » Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:22 pm

hi overandover... another welcome coming your way! Lots of wonderful people here, either suffering or having had suffered from the same thing. Glad you found us, and hope you find the support and friendship that you need.

Sounds like a lot going on, and with your husband working at night, it must be very hard for you. Take a deep breath... and know that just snapping out of it doesn't work. You can get through this though. And we're all here to support you on your journey.

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