beware i am the visitor,and xn728 will always belong to me

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beware i am the visitor,and xn728 will always belong to me

Postby xn728 » Thu May 07, 2009 2:02 pm

so this is
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A word for xn's Visitor

Postby Aurelia5 » Fri May 08, 2009 12:26 am

My Mind and I don't think you, Visitor, are anything to get even the least bit worried about. You blew your cover when you said you've been with XN since he was seven. You may still follow him around, but you sure arn't slowing him down. If you were as capable of torturing him as you say, he would've been gone a long time ago. Your words are all just harmless bluster.

He writes to us, and we write back. Our combined empathy is strong enough to pull him up away from you and gives him the strength to enjoy humor, and to even create it. Your hold is weakening. He writes to us all the time, any time he feels like it. He writes things that are happy. He writes things that make other people happy. I truly believe you've lost your hold.

And if you read our responses to him, you will see there is very little misery going his way. He is the one who visits those of us who are sad, bringing kind words and happiness- not you.

You speak of all the visions and demons you will send him. This is nothing but an idle threat. Everything I've read recently sounds like he's got all those things stuffed back in a dark corner of a closet. He opens the closet up occasionally, just to be sure you're still trapped in there. He knows you're there, but he isn't afraid of you.

He is happy to be with us now, and there is not a thing you can do about it.

Remember: you can't fall when you are supported by so many, many caring hands.

Aurelia, and her Mind

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Postby aim » Fri May 08, 2009 1:18 pm

You are getting so close to destroying the visitor, Ken. Please continue to post... Auriela is right... we, on this forum, are here to help you with him. Support you on your journey to putting the Visitor at peace... we are with you, Ken, and we are with Russ as well. You are a wonderful addition to this forum. A truly kind individual who cares not only for people, but the most innocent of all... animals.

Whatever horrors Russ went through helped shape Ken into the kind-hearted man that he is.

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Postby Monty » Tue May 12, 2009 3:12 pm


I have been just getting caught up on some of the threads that I missed reading on the weekend.

I am not sure if this might be the post that you are referring to when you think that someone was slamming you.
If it isn't I apologize, to both you and Aurelia.
Aurelia is a very kind person. A great asset to this forum. Know she would never say an unkind word to anyone.
Just wondering if there was a misunderstanding.

I noted at the top of Aurelia's posting that the subject is " A words for xn's visitor". In the posting that followed it was intended for "your visitor" not you.

She was telling the visitor off, not you.

One of the last things that she said it
"He is happy to be with us now, and there is not a thing you can do about it".

She is telling the visitor to bugger off, you are safe here in the forum with people who will help take care of you.

Not sure if this is the one that you were referring to.

In any case note that she says that "you can't fall when you are supported by so many, many caring hands."

That's us.

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dont worry monty ,my friend from afar ,

Postby xn728 » Tue May 12, 2009 3:28 pm

monty ,i
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Postby Monty » Tue May 12, 2009 3:39 pm

Sorry XN and Aurelia. Didn't want to get in the middle of things but just wanted to make sure that you knew that you are safe here.

I am glad though that you realized that it was to the visitor.

Good too that you don't go to that other site anymore. We just want to help here. Not judge.

It's good that you were able to laugh at it.

I didn't need to tell you that you are cared for here. Think you know that everyone is very accepting of pretty well everyone that posts here.

That makes the forum special for me too.

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monty my friend ,

Postby xn728 » Tue May 12, 2009 4:36 pm

when you
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Postby aim » Tue May 12, 2009 8:11 pm

Ken - have you ever written poetry? I really do think it's something you would be amazing at... ARE amazing at. Just a thought...

I'm glad you don't visit that other site anymore - seemed to cause you nothing but a headache, and who needs that! Stick with us, Ken; we're here for you!

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To Ken and Amy and MonteHELP What did I miss?

Postby Aurelia5 » Wed May 13, 2009 8:57 pm

Whoa , whoa, whoa, did I miss something? What is this flame you got Ken? Was it something I wrote? Where is it? Can I see it? Did I upset you? I've been in a horrible pit for the last several days, very close to having to be put somewhere under observation, and haven't even looked at the computer for more than a few minutes here and there. The only harsh thing I've ever written to you or anybody on here is to your Visitor. Your post before it was written by the Visitor, and I wrote back to him telling him he has to get by us :Amy, Monte, me, and that we care a LOT about you. You're the gentlest person on the internet, I would never hurt you. Was there a personal message sent somewhere about me flaming someone? Help! I don't know what is happening. Monty explained my post to the Visitor exactly correctly. What has happened in the last few days??? This makes me want to cry. But everything has made me cry for the last few days. There. I'm crying again. My husband B. who has terminal prostate cancer has been in tremendous pain for days, and I can't pull myself out of this depression. I am ready to call it quits, but he isn't. I never really wrote an introduction for myself----

Crap. Now I can't see what I'm typing.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Wed May 13, 2009 11:48 pm


Are you at liberty to say what the other site was that Ken saw that upset him?

Ken - do you mind telling me, at least, what sort of place it was?

Turning on the computer and finding out that I have, again, said something I shouldn't have, that I have absolutely no idea what it could be, is killing me. You see, it's part of the reason I got fired from my last job. Beside being in terrible pain. . . . so much pain. I didn't get more than two memos - 3 and they put you on probation - in almost 2 years. I was one of the top sales people. I could sell horse manure. For 50 bucks!
So when she dropped the bomb, I asked why, since she had never given me any orther warnings, and she said, and I quote: "You say and do strange things". Having an independent, unique personality is a big no-no to those people. I thought money was the issue, but it turned out "not fitting in "was more valuable. I was dumbstruck.

So you can see why I am so afraid I said something wrong and don't have a clue what it could be. And to the nicest man we have on here. Please, please tell me what I did wrong so I can learn. Please.


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Postby aim » Thu May 14, 2009 9:06 am

Aureila... please don't doubt your kindness and your wit. Read up, A. Ken was amused by your comment to the visitor, not hurt by it. He was hurt by something some idiot said on another web site altogether. No worries, A. All is fine...

What happened with your job, A?

Don't mean to be in the middle of it either, like Monty said, but Ken would not want you to be hurt, A; that I am SURE of.

Stay well, all.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Thu May 14, 2009 2:07 pm

Aim - My job? Apparantly I am just too strange and unstable for some people, as you can see by me falling completely apart thinking I had said something that hurt Ken. That and we were on a high commission in a very high-dollar store. The main jewelry room was called the Shark Tank. Those women would kill you if they had the chance. They saw me as a huge threat, even though my sales went toward a monthly bonus for all of us.
Like I say, I have no clue what was in their horrid little minds. I've always been an independent thinker, I don't "go along to get along". It was just a huge teenage clique there. I didn't fit in.

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you did nothing at all ,i understood your ,visitor reply

Postby xn728 » Thu May 14, 2009 3:43 pm

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im reaching out open your eyes

Postby xn728 » Thu May 14, 2009 5:24 pm


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