Three wishes ,g,night

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Three wishes ,g,night

Postby xn728 » Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:19 pm

drifting in and out of sleep on the settee downstairs ,i walk around the forum ,looking for some comfort ,i saw many freinds also fighting there own demons ,smiling in passing each and everyone of us desparatly looking for answers ,but not myself ,i just look for comfort ,not for myself
but for my wife ,and my children and my fellow sufferers ,i came across abox ,just sat on the floor ,gently i lifted the lid ,and inside were three
wishes ,i looked around at the messages of hope and love written on the vast walls of the forum ,they have no beginning and no end ,words of pain ,encouragement ,and words willing we have strentgh to carry on and go forward on the hard journeys we make ,so i closed my eyes and wished
for fran my wonderful wife that she would wake with renewed lungs and the breath in her body to carry her high and without pain ,and my second wish ,that my two girls will carry on to prosper and want for nothing in life
and my third wish ,no not for me to be well ,but for my freinds to wake tommorrow and remember nothing of their terrible illness and to be followed by happiness in what ever they did ,and my reward for this would be my well being ,not given by my last wish ,but by my compassion for you all ,when i fell out of my light sleep ,i was sad it had been a dream ,and i only have this wish now ,that you never feel alone here
and when you walk here and see how deep those footprints are you see and think it is the burden you carry ,look again those are not your footprints ,they belong to the freind who carrys you and your pain in this your moment of need ,you can never walk alone ,close your eyes and see
all that you have around you .dont be blind like i have become,the visitor has taken much from me ,and you dont know how lucky you were till its gone ,your all dear to me take care ,,,,,ken

aim, dandelion,a5,lisa,mich,shatteredhopes,hanging on,monty,blueisgreen,crystalgaze,crybaby,warmie girl.
all my dear freinds, ,,,,goodnight ,,,,,,,,ken

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