Just feeling sad

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Just feeling sad

Postby Justsadstranger » Sun May 30, 2021 5:09 pm

I’m 20 and still living with my parents. I’m studying college that I don’t know if I like. I have separation anxiety from my family about actually moving outside my town for school once it’s not online. I have a boyfriend that I feel like I will loose and I just don’t know what really is going on. My family is wonderful and I have friends that care about me but some nights I get really sad and just cry my eyes out and feel overwhelmed and nauseous. I wouldn’t say necessarily that I have suicide thoughts but I just don’t really know what to do. Everything is just moving so quickly and I feel like it sliding from my fingers and I can’t really stop it. I feel like I don’t really have a place in the world. I don’t really know why I waste your time reading my story when there are hundreds of people that have it way worse than me but I’ve never really said any of this to anyone and I don’t really feel like I can because it really is nothing but I just can’t really know how to get better. How to not get these sad attacks. So yeah, thanks for reading and sorry again for wasting your time on me.

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Re: Just feeling sad

Postby Tealeaves » Mon May 31, 2021 4:08 am

It's okay, you're not alone. I know that sounds cliche but, you're not alone. What is, kind of bothering you today, could be driving you crazy tomorrow; so it's good to ask for help. Thank you, for being brave.
Okay, here is the yada yada, that has to be said.
First, you probably should seek Dr/therapist. It's someone that you can talk to, on a more in depth level. Don't feel weird about it; not only are they becoming an acceptable necessity; in this day and age; they are also becoming fashionable ( anyone whom is anyone, has a therapist). Having a therapist is trendy lol just kidding but tell yourself whatever you need to, in order to get one.
I say this because, there could be different reasons for why you feel that way.
When you imagine the future; does it feel like your seeing it in black and white, no color or emotion, to connect to? Or, there is, but somehow it seems distant? If you answered yes; something tells me; you like knowing what to expect...let me rephrase that, you kind of need to know.

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Joined: Wed May 05, 2021 3:54 am

Re: Just feeling sad

Postby Tealeaves » Mon May 31, 2021 4:22 am

Also, you might answered one of your own questions.

You said you have doubts on either; college you attend/will attend, or field, you are studying.

One of the reasons you might be leery about moving out of town is; you're moving would be for school...a school or "path", you're not sure of.

So of course, you're not sure of school/field of study; so, you're not sure of moving.
It makes sense, 1+1=2

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