Am I wrong?

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Mousey j
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Apr 27, 2020 1:56 am

Am I wrong?

Postby Mousey j » Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:14 pm

I've been in a relationship for 17 years- and I thought that our emotional connection would grow as time went on. It hasn't. My partner has stayed emotionally unavailable. We have three children together, have remained (I believe) faithful to each other, but we cannot seem to work together. They say opposites attract and that truly we couldn't be more opposite...I hear people say "I married my best friend" yet I feel like I married my worst critic. Every thing is my fault.... there isn't enough $ to do the things he wants to do I should have put off a bill or two until the next paycheck so we "could afford to live" but if we're behind on the bills then I should have paid them....yet he won't take over the finances because he needs me to be the scapegoat for all that is wrong. Yet I do still love him....except the days I don't. I feel like leaving would be a huge betrayal and would further scare our children, but I long to have a fulfilling relationship with a partner instead of an adversary. Not to mention that I'm not in my prime and the likelyhood of finding someone who is willing to give someone with this much baggage (depression, self esteem issues inability to trust my decisions ect.) and 3 kids, one of which is borderline special needs. Am I better off sucking it up in an unfulfilling relationship and feeling alone, or actually being alone? I'm just not sure....

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:15 pm

Re: Am I wrong?

Postby Xerxes » Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:20 pm

First, you are underrating yourself. You have managed to rear three kids. That asshole does not deserve anything from you.
I understand loneliness but it doesn't have to be that big a budern. You don't have to be constantly sad to be alive. :evil:

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