That one feeling

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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That one feeling

Postby Ocean_Eyes12 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:05 pm

Hello Everyone
That one feeling. The one where you don't know whether to show it or not. That one feeling that takes up everything in your body and you don't know what to do. If you show it people will comfort you and think your some weak person but if you don't then it all builds up inside and when it lets out it never stops. I hate it. I hate sitting there in therapy and I start to get that feeling. I hate having that feeling when my grandma is yelling at me. I hate having that feeling when i'm angry and want to hurt someone. I know it doesn't make you weak but I hate showing any emotion because people will worry and get close to me and ask "Whats wrong?" and i wont have a good enough answer for them. I don't want that interaction. I avoid interactions that make things awkward and that one feeling will make it awkward. I hate that feeling so much. Its like your heart is exploding into a tiny little pieces and there is nothing you can do about it. I believe its the hardest feeling to control. Anything can make it start but once it does it never stops until your asleep and you wake up with swollen eyes and a dry throat. That one feeling. Its not always bad. People feel it coming when they are happy. When someone finds out that they are pregnant or when you get into that one school that you've worked so hard to get into. When you get a raise or the new manager position at work. People feel it when they are proud. Proud to have a child who got accepted into college. Proud to watch their child go to school for the first time. People feel it when they are scared. Scared of not being accepted in a home or scared of not being loved. That one feeling controls everything. That one feeling is connected to every other feelings. Sometimes that one feeling happens for no reason. Its the feeling of starting to cry. The build up in your throat, the unavailability to talk because once you do it will all pour out. The tears starting to fill up in your eyes and if you close your eyes then a tear falls but if you dont then more tears fill up your eyes and a tear falls anyways. I hate it. I hate that feeling. The feeling of crying because its like my hearts is shattering and the glue to put the pieces back isn't there and well it just hurts. I hate that one feeling!

Posts: 59
Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:26 pm

Re: That one feeling

Postby Sadinatura » Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:32 pm

Props to you, heres a thing you should be proud of, I never cry at things like this or most music etc, but this made me tear up. I think we have a lot in common an I would like to message with you.

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