New Here

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New Here

Postby idkme » Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:02 pm

I don't where else to turn. I just know it's getting worse. I'm a married mother of 4. I broke down due to some very hard times all hitting me at once (the house was broken into, husband trying to leave me after I found out he had several affairs, failing 2 classes and having to drop out of 1, car accident on my birthday) within the same time. I'm usually able to bounce back from things I guess. Not this time. That was months ago. Today I saw a broken mirror and I wanted to just end it all. But my love for my children is why I'm trying to fight things. I've never before thought of suicide till today. I have tried reaching out for help. I took an online assessment and it said I am suffering from severe depression and anxiety and meds are highly recommended. My husband doesn't want me to take meds out of fear that I may become addicted. I haven't gone to a physician yet because I work part-time to attend school and take care of my kids. Any suggestions?

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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:48 am

It’s the small steps

Postby JustTryingMyBest » Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:02 am

Hi, I don’t know you, but I’ve been through something similiar. One of the things I’ve found incredible in this world is the capacity of people to be understanding if you reach out. I teach at the college level and I’ve had people describe similiar experiences, I’ve had them myself. There are two things that I usually say when I’m facing these situations:
1. The world can wait. If you need to maybe they can give you extensions on assignments or offer you an alternative to retaking the courses. Mental Illness is not as stigmatized as it once was, many people incur it either directly or indirectly. At the very least it can’t hurt to reach out.
2. There are options. Professional help is certainly the best, it seems to me that you go to a university and you may already have access to crisis individuals who can help you in the moment. That’s just in the moment. You may not neccesarily need drugs. Physicians or therapists many times implement CBT or DBT which is just a more controlled approach to therapy in cases like these. If you do end up taking drugs, there is no shame. There are also a variety of drugs, many do not act in on dopanergic pathways and thus do not produce addiction. This is certainly something you should have a conversation with your primary care physician and not just take advice from someone on the internet about.

That said, the first thing you should do is get safe. Spend time with your kids, and do something for yourself tonight. If you don’t feel safe because of the breakin, have a friend over. Worst case scenario, if things get real bad, call 911 (assuming US) there are emergency services prepared for all of this and I know it can be rough, but I hope you persevere.

Stay safe, and take these small steps and things will get better. They did for me.

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Re: New Here

Postby froggymom » Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:54 pm

Wow! That's a whole lot to deal with at one time. I think the previous poster gave you some great advice, especially about reaching out for professional help right now to help you sort through all these situations. Things will get better. It just takes time. Don't be discouraged. ( Romans 12:12) "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." I will be praying for you each morning.

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Re: New Here

Postby RustyTavern » Thu Jan 24, 2019 5:24 pm

idkme wrote:I don't where else to turn. I just know it's getting worse. I'm a married mother of 4. I broke down due to some very hard times all hitting me at once (the house was broken into, husband trying to leave me after I found out he had several affairs, failing 2 classes and having to drop out of 1, car accident on my birthday) within the same time. I'm usually able to bounce back from things I guess. Not this time. That was months ago. Today I saw a broken mirror and I wanted to just end it all. But my love for my children is why I'm trying to fight things. I've never before thought of suicide till today. I have tried reaching out for help. I took an online assessment and it said I am suffering from severe depression and anxiety and meds are highly recommended. My husband doesn't want me to take meds out of fear that I may become addicted. I haven't gone to a physician yet because I work part-time to attend school and take care of my kids. Any suggestions?

You are simplify suffering an unusually high load of strife that has naturally created some clinical depression

I do not recommend any medication unless you know it will work for you, for instance, from past experience, which if you have any then you have failed to provide enough information.

Ultimatum to your husband: fix us; he does it all you have temporary depression or f*** off and ruin his children's future.

You yourself work on understanding that life is stress and any happiness is small & lucky then get over things for the sake of your children & yourself.;. Its only one life like this, f*** it to the top!

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