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Lost my personality

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:22 pm
by Frank00
Lately I dont feel like my true self anymore. Nearly everything I use to enjoy doesn't amuse me at all now. I feel my whole personality has gone and I'm not myself, I've lost interest in most of my hobbies (Gym, Sports, Drawing). Due to this my body has changed for the worst making me fell worse about myself but i lack any motivation to change, actually I've lost motivation in most stuff. I was doing very well in college, enjoyed my part-time job, kept fit, hung out with friends whenever I got the chance but it all suddenly changed. Motivation for fitness dropped, started hating college, became distant with friends, had no desire for relationships. I've lost my ambition for life began questioning "What's the point" all the time. I'm lost at the moment and dont know what to do or where to start. I'm tired of keeping this fake appearance on the outside like nothing is wrong, a mask to hide behind, it's draining me. I know no one may read this but its nice let it out

Cheers for reading anyway

Re: Lost my personality

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:47 am
by Imnothere
I could have written this when I was in college, except forums like this didn't exist and depression was an abomination. I faked lots of things, such as high spirits, motivation, ambition, anything that is generally expected of a young person, but I could only fake so much. Someone once said we could never fool ourselves and I think that's quite true. I pretended to be happy and to still enjoy things, but eventually my grades crashed and my health deteriorated to the point where I couldn't stay awake during the day. Imagine me working my shift answering customer service calls but dozing off halfway through the conversation-- I'm not even exaggerating, this is what happened. Somehow I had the job until I graduated, and to this day I still don't know why I wasn't fired, or how I was even able to graduate.

The one person I trusted enough to confide in told me it was just a phase and I would naturally figure things out. If I had known better I would have told that person how wrong they were. Thing is, even though we all feel lost at some point, it is not "just a phase" if you feel like you have lost interests, motivations and need to pretend otherwise. Since you are still in school, you might want to talk to a school counselor, and see how they may help you.

If it's any consolation, you are not alone in this. Feel free to talk if that helps.

Re: Lost my personality

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:55 am
by Frank00
Thanks for taking the time to write back, it always feels like I'm the only one going through this but i know that's not true.