Depression Or Adolescent Mood Swings ?

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Depression Or Adolescent Mood Swings ?

Postby JalaB33 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:44 pm

(If I say anything that you do not understand, I apologize, this is the only way I can explain what I'm feeling)

Ever since I was younger I would say of elementary school age (18 in college now) , I'd have these periods of time where I would just not want to be alive anymore, they can be as short as an hour and the worse ones last a week. During this time idc what happens to be, I constantly think about hurting myself, and I can only see the worst in myself.I lose my appetite, and seldom lay leave my bed, or even change positions. In the times where it wasn't something that happened with another individual, This feeling would just hit me out of nowhere. I could be having a good time and then it'd be almost like I feel something say, "I don't deserve to live" or "You should just do it". I remember some late nights I would just feel so awful and just sob uncontrollably and id be so ashamed because I didn't know why. I'm a very religious person so I'd beg God to help me or make these thoughts go away. But over time these Spells just got worse. I have self harmed and tried to commit suicide before in the 10th grade (never told family) but when things we're going good I promised myself that I would never hurt myself again. But ever since these feelings have been stopping and returning I'm feeling very weak. I'm having a spell rn as I'm typing this, literally I just got this inner voice that said, why don't you just do it? You've got nothing to live made me feel so low. But I have read that due to hormones in young people and a brain that's still growing can make some teens have thoughts of suicide and worse. I need to know if what I am experiencing is just teenage mood swings or depression.

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