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Any advice!?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:52 pm
by AntonioJimenex
Hi I'm new to this group, I hope someone can read my story and give me some advice, anyway here it goes...
I'm from Peru, in South America and currently I'm 24 years old, I live with my parents and my little brother who is 14.
Ever since I was little my dad would work all day and my mom would be the one who made sure I did my homework, eat all my meals, etc. This made me be real close with my mom, and we still are, but my dad was always distant, we would only spend time Sundays, the only day he didn't work, even though he would always provide for the family he wasn't there for me really.
When I was 6 my parents separated and i went to live with my mom, obviously I didn't understand at the time and I would cry and ask my mom for my family, long story short they got back together after a year BUT they signed a document kind of like a prenup which said that from that moment on there were no joint goods in the marriage, meaning that any house, car bought by my dad would only be his.
When my dad would get angry like once every 3 or 4 months he only did one thing, take money from us in the way of not giving to my mom the amount of money they agreed for groceries, normally he would be like that for like a week and then I'd be like if nothing happened.
When I was ten my mom became pregnant and my brother was born, my dad told my mom not to work so she could take care of my brother and in exchange he would pay my mom an equivalent of her salary, my mom agreed, and for approximately 8 years she was a housewife.
My dad was more distant with my brother than he was with me, he never cared about his interests he would only buy him stuff from time to time.
The fights never stopped, he would give my mom less money than they had agreed, and the worst part, even though my mom wanted to leave him she didn't have the money to support herself, unlike my dad who had the money and was the sole owner of the house, so my mom had to bite her tongue and carry on.
Fast forward to the present I finished university last year and my brother is in middle school, my dad is almost 60 but goes out everyday ,gets home at midnight in the best cases , now when he gets mad he not only doesn't give my mom the money they agreed, he tells my brother that he won't pay for his school anymore and he tells me that he won't support me financially anymore plus he took a cellphone he gave me a couple of months ago, I mean that's not that important to me im 24 and I can get a job, my point is how low it is to punish your family that way, a person that has no relation with his children he doesn't know anything about my brother, he has never given advice to me or to him. Yet we have to remain silent or he may not give us the money to eat while he goes out and eats whatever he wants

Re: Any advice!?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:46 am
by ree
best advice you'll receive :D - viewtopic.php?f=18&t=31712