Letting little things get to me.

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Letting little things get to me.

Postby Imogene11 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:48 pm

This may be a super late reply, but I know exactly how you feel. I have two older sisters whom have a different mother than I. My oldest sister has two children who she takes to her grandmothers house on her mothers side when she has work. Whenever she can't pick them up I will and that's not too often. One time that I went over there her grandmother had asked me when I started school, since I live at home and go to school in my city I'm not super excited about school. So I told her sometime at the end of August, and I don't know if it were the way I said it or if my whole family speaks of me as a failure, but her response was "Taylor, are you passionate about anything?". Her response hit me to the core, I felt absolutely devastated. I hate feeling like a failure to my family, I try my hardest to impress them but I always feel like my efforts go unnoticed. And what she said validated that my family talks poorly about me, because she wouldn't know really anything about me unless it were my sisters and their mother. I thought about her comment for the rest of the day. I went home and cried and felt helpless. Now I dread whenever my sister asks me can I pick up my niece and nephew because I know she looks at me as a failure.

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