Deep into the abyss everyday.

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Deep into the abyss everyday.

Postby zombiemeth » Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:59 am

I can't help but feel lifeless and can't cope with anything in this life. My narcissistic mother has ruined my life and I don't think I can ever be normal in this is life. I'm going to write here some of the thing she did recently that can't help me move on..

She cooks with dairy products all the time and I'm lactose intolerant - so I cook separately for me all the time, Tells everyone that I'm gay and she tells me that she doesn't tell anyone then people tell me they heard from her, she thinks everything is about her, when my girlfriend asks how my childhood was to her she's always saying how my brother was the cutest one, tells everyone i'm lazy and without a job even tho I do the weekly grocery shopping, cook everyday, clean and laundry (only my stuff because she thinks i'm incapable), argue with every restaurant we go, recently I was sick and told me to choke and die while I was coughing, never told me she loved me or hugged me, can't have my privacy in my room and goes thru all my wardrobes, papers and stuff, physical abuse, she's obsessed about plastic surgery and says she's still perfect without them, when i was thin she used to tell me that i'm really skinny and ugly now that i gained weight she walks past me and tells me i'm really fat, always boasting how she looks good in every dress because she's thin and perfect not like me, went for a holiday with my dad & they didn't even text if they arrived or how am i doing for days, when i'm laughing shes always sighing etc....

It's really difficult living like this and I can't take it anymore.. anyone here is going thru the same ? Thanks for reading....

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:01 pm

hey there zombiemeth.

I don't personally know about what your going through but I can imagine how difficult it must be for you. It makes me angry because you are treated so unfair and cruel. I wish with all my heart that I could make your mother be a better person for you. All my life I've dreamed of having a child but I can't and when I hear of someone taking their kid for granted it tears me to pieces.

Your mother gave you life but please listen to me and understand she ISN'T your life. YOU are your life. There are no words that I can tell you to take away the pain or the horrible way she has treated you but I can tell you this. Your mom can't control your heart or your soul or your will to live and be happy. Only you can do that.

Please don't let her take away your life in this world. Follow all your dreams that you can , all your wishes. Make this life the very best life that you possibly can. Make everyday shine as bright as you can make it. Go out and paint the world all of the beautiful colors that you can.

People can be so cruel , even people close to us. But they can't take away your true happiness in life.

love and hugs

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Postby CrazyKiss » Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:11 pm

First thing is, why is ur mum saying all these things? Do u have any reason to why she says or does things to hurt u? I mean there must be a simple answer to this. Im not sure myself why she is saying these things to u but u know what shes making out for u to be is rubbish and not worth ur time to think about.

Its not fair how others have there favourites to prove a point and I know we all do this from time to time. You just need to make sure that this doesnt effect ur self esteem or confidence cuz its easy to fall for it.

What do u do when ur mum brings u down? Whats the first thing u do? Could help u if u had someone to talk to. Maybe speaking to ur dad or actually ur brother may help. Does ur brother who is being favoured on know about this? You should talk to him.

Im not sure how old u are but have u thought about moving out yet? Would u like to have ur own place? Thats an idea.

In the mean time try taking to ur dad or brother or just ignore what shes saying and have some space from her or try and go out when u can and come back when its all calmed down. Also think about moving out as u may just wanted overall ur own personal space.

Keeping reaching out on here.

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Postby zombiemeth » Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:49 am

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