Advice Please

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Advice Please

Postby Jay_yoo » Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:25 pm

I am 19 years old, started my job around 2 years ago. I was forced in to the job by a family member. The place I am working for is a high paid job for my age (Not being big headed). I feel like quitting my job because it requires a lot of work at home and it is very difficult for me as I struggle with the knowledge of the work. I result to drink when I am feeling depressed or stressed. It's usually when i finish in the evening work when I drink. It takes my mind off it all. I used to make my self very ill a year ago by taking a high level of pain killers and caffeine tablets. I used to do this because I had to meet a lot of dead lines. I still used to go into work even though i was struggling with stomach pains due to the pills. Things have got a lot better since but I have just got in to a car accident which was my fault and I owe a lot of money to the driver it hit. I know now that I am going to start drinking more and taking the pain/caffeine tablets. Any advice on how I am going to over the depression/stress?

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Postby 4EverMe » Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:21 pm

Hello jay-yoo,
Addiction won't help you overcome the stress, but will only serve to add to it.
Deep down I believe you already know this...

Best of wishes to you.

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Postby 4EverMe » Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:34 pm

I reread your post, and saw where you have asked for advice.

My own advice would be to pray. If you can't change your situation, then it would benefit you to ask God for the strength to help you through it. Ask Him for what it is you need.
This may not be the most popular response. However, I give you this advice because I speak from experience.

Feel free to pm me, if you'd like.

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Postby Tes2525 » Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:38 pm

Hi Jay_yoo,
I don't know if this will help, but when I'm stressed out I like to go for a run or a walk outside. It really helps to clear my head, sometimes all you need is that fresh air :) Other than that, I would tell you to keep the people in your life close to you. You don't have to be alone. Take care and I wish you the best- Tes2525

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Postby DontEatMyBacon » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:14 am

I don’t think involving yourself to drinking or taking other substance can help you. The harmful fact is alcohol is a depressant so it can worsen your situation. Have you tried seeking guidance to doctors? Or trying meditation, yoga, exercise. A friend of mine also mentioned about drug rehabilitation services that could offer therapies to mental issues such depression and anxiety. I believe changing environments or old habits can lessen your problems. Good luck!

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Postby CrazyKiss » Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:40 pm

You seem to have gone through a stressful time and it cant be easy. Your very brave in sharing ur story with us.

I dont think its a good idea to carry on working untill u feel 100% better. You need to put urself first before others and u got to start doing that. The first step is to confide in someone. Anyone!

Im sorry to hear that u had a car accident but have u been on the phone to the insurance company as u wanna know where u stand. Its important u know everything about what case ur dealing with so its a good idea u get back onto the phone for car company ur with. Also have u heard anything from The person who was in the accident?

Dont blame urself. Please get some help so ur not on ur own. I hope everything is ok now with your car and the other person car. Im glad u both didnt get into any bad accidents and that u know this from next time.

Take Care. Ok?

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Postby nahiiii » Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:45 pm

If you can't change your situation, then it would benefit you to ask God for the strength to help you through it. Ask Him for what it is you need.
This may not be the most popular response. However, I give you this advice because I speak from experience.

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