my story (trigger)

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby Obayan » Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:04 pm

Doctor for president and cookiemonster for head of state! whooyah! :lol: :lol:

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:40 am

Excellent suggestions, (((( Obayan ))))! :D I think the Doctor would make an excellent Prime Minister of the United Kingdom! ( Even though he seems to rub up the British Monarchy the wrong way...Queen Victoria knighted him for saving her life, and then banished him from the British Empire. Although, that was something of a misunderstanding... :wink: And Queen Elizabeth I tried to have him killed, so he had to make a swift exit, after saving William Shakespeare's life...Although, again, this was apparently due to a misunderstanding between the Doctor and Queen Elizabeth I on a previous visit of his... :? :wink: )
And if the Cookie-Monster was head of the British state, then the Cookie-Monster would have to preside over the State Opening of Parliament! :) 8)
I can see it now...the magnificient State Carriage arrives at Westminister, and the Cookie-Monster gets out to the cheers of the crowd waving their Union Jacks, and he enters the Palace of Westminster, leaving a trail of biscuit crumbs along the red carpet.
And, inside Parliament he reads the government's legislative programme for the Parliament ahead...
Cookie-Monster settles himself in his chair. An expectant hush falls over the assembled members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, as Cookie-Monster starts to speak...

" Over the coming Parliament me government will...Cookie! Yumm, mhm..Cookie!...Me love cookies...! "

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Postby Obayan » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:53 am

I've always secretly wondered if "grouch" was the doctor in desguise. I mean think about it.... he lives in a trash can! It has to be tardis painted grey! And I won't even begin with snuffleupagus. I say he's the face that summons the doctor into the far reaches of the future. Remember the face in the box with all the water and bubbles?

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:35 am

You may well be on to something (((( Obayan ))))! :)
Oscar the Grouch might well have been the Doctor in disguise... :) As you say his dustbin may well have been the Tardis painted grey. ( The Master's Tardis once disguised itself as a grey stone pillar, so the Doctor's Tardis could well be able to disguise itself as a grey metal dustbin. ) Oscar, like the Doctor was invariably a keen observer of events around him. And, Oscar was often visited by female friends and companions, like the Doctor. Also, the first Doctor, William Hartnell, could sometimes tend to be a bit " grouchy " himself. :) :wink:

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Postby emmaceleste » Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:09 pm

((((((((((((((( Obayan ))))))))))))))

this story is absolutely heart breaking and tragic. I cannot even IMAGINE how that must have been, being a little girl abused in such ways that are so horrific she herself cannot even make sense of.
I appreciate the times when you are in the chat room, because you give such needed advice to people just when they need it most.
Thank you for being here today. I pray that your life gets better, as you have been through hell and back.
You deserve it. You truly do.

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Postby Obayan » Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:32 pm

The way I see it, it is the sum total of my past that makes me who i am today. If things hadn't happen the way they did, I wouldn't be the person I am today and I like who I am. I'm a good person with a wonderfull daughter and two grandkids i love dearly. I have a good life. Yes, there are bad days, but isn't there always?

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I Can Totally Relate To Your Story

Postby seramamomma » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:43 pm

i just have to say that I was very abused as a child and after abusive relationships found a wonderful man who was sick and died 7 years ago now. He was a good father to my children but I didn't want to go on living when he died because I felt like you did... all alone again. He healed me.

But I did go on living and actually have worked really hard to make myself a better person. I've raised two wonderful sons and broke the pattern of abuse.

This is my first day here but I've been in 12 step groups and there have been times when I just couldn't leave the house. I do feel lonely and many times wish I could just be with my husband and sister and brother (all dead).

So just wanted to say hello and thanks for sharing.

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Postby Obayan » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:12 am

Ok, I don't trust my doc anymore. Because of all the problems lately with my heart, he's running all these tests... one of which is a stress test. Within 1 minute, blood pressure dropped to 70/41 and i stopped breathing. Took them 2 hours to get me stable again. Two hours after that, he sent me home again. Two days later, nothing has been resolved and I'm still weak and sick. If my heart don't kill me first, then my doc will.

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Can't believe they sent you home??

Postby seramamomma » Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:00 am

I have neuro-cardiongenic syncope which was diagnosed by getting a tilt table test. If you have hadn't had one, I hope you get one. They have you lay on a table and then raise the table and see what happens to your blood pressure. My already low blood pressure dropped to 60/40. Anytime I go to the ER, if my blood pressure is very low, they put me in the cardiac ward and I am not allowed to get out of bed - really not allowed. They have a sensor in the bed and if I try to get out of bed, it sounds an alarm for the nurse.

Speaking from experience (as I was married to a doctor) why do doctors work in an ER for a very low salary when a doctor can make a very high salary if he joins a practice? Reason, the doctor is missing some credentials or has had some kind of malpractice suite so that's all he can do. Unfortunately, some of these doctors are inept and are not heart specialists.

Please try to call and contact your primary care doctor and get tests done.
Serama Momma

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Postby Obayan » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:44 pm

I have hypercholesterolemia, hypothyroidism, congestive heart disease with unstable angina, coronary artery disease, fibromyalgia, erythromelalgia, intracranial atherosclerosis, post traumatic stress disorder, chronic severe depression with suicidal tendencies, sleep apnea, diabeties, gerd and ibs.

I have had 6 heart attacks and 2 strokes and have multiple stents.

My first heart attack (and first sign there was something wrong) was in Feb. 1990.

I don't qualify for the transpant list because there are too many other things wrong with me. Namely the intracranial atherosclerosis, diabeties and fibromyalgia.

I don't think there is a test they haven't done on me yet. heh. Every 6 months I have a whole new set run that takes about a week to accomplish.

My father is a surgeon. Some ER docs are there because of the love of trauma situations. Some do it because they've already made their money in other areas and love the diversity and challenge of the ER. Some do it because they have a natural talent for multitasking and being able to handle multiple patients. And yes, some do it because of limitations in other areas. I think the reasons are as diverse as the people.

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