My all over the place story

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My all over the place story

Postby Zahlen » Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:29 pm

First a little background..

Up until I was 11 I lived in Alberta, was the kid that was never home, was only out playing and what not. This all changed when we moved to Ontario, I never really made friends, I became a more shy and quiet kid (I was always a shy child -- so I was told). People started to tease and pick on me more. this lead me to gaining weight during the ages of 13 to 20s.

Basically I was the typical loner fat kid with no friends.

>> Fast forward to the start of University, around this time everything truly started to hit me, I started university at the age of 23 (I went to College first) out of town. During this time it hit me that being constantly alone sucked, but who wants to be with a 257lbs social reject?

My first year of university I made a few "friends" or so I thought, I found a person I rather liked, hung out blah blah. Here I thought things were changing, however, every time I was around her and if people noticed they would snicker and make comments about me… then I found I she likes some other dude (which seems to happen to every single person I like).

>> Year 2: During this year I moved in with a bunch of people I got to know for the remainder of school. My roommates would and other "friends" would plan gathers but never include me, would usually neglect to mention things to me. Just towards the end of my first year I met a friend of this group who I start to talk to a little during the summer, however, during my 2nd year, her and I started to talk a lot more and again (stupid me) started to like her. Few months down the road i find out during the summer she and my roommate semi dated and they both still liked each other (again this happens). So I suppress my feelings like I do for everything else in my life and move on, but still talk to her because she's probably the first person who has given me the time of the would.

On March 3rd (her birthday) her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. The following weekend it was her roommates birthday also, so they both celebrated their birthdays, however, she was in her room crying the entire night. Me being me (the nice guy as im told) I sat with her in room so she wouldn't be alone. The really strange part is, 2 weeks later my mother was also diagnosed with breast cancer. This made us become much closer friends, since we both supported each other during the entire thing.

So during that year I gain a little social life but nothing more than that, I promised myself I would lose weight during the summer and hope things would take a better turn.

Hazaah! My summer started and I put plenty of weeks of research in how I wanted to start my better life. By the end of the summer I lost around 55lbs. Continued to talk to my only friend during the summer who knew about my plans to lose weight and was very supportive. I started the year with not many people recognizing me, great! a fresh start but nope. Things start to go south even more so, people didn't want to be around me anymore (i still don't get why), I lived with a jackass of a roommate who didn't know how to keep his mouth shut when he had nothing nice to say. The first few months I continued to lose more weight, but it seemed to just make people not be around me anymore.

So the remaining time of the year it was just me and my only one friend, hung out quite a lot -- people started to talk, making jokes we were husband and wife (since we would constantly talk), but this was far from the case. Since she still liked my room mate (during this year he went to Japan to study) and mentioned they would be together right then if he didn't go. Their comments would just make me more depressed and sad, since I knew it would be never true. So alone we continue to be.

I finish school and graduate with my Degree, but also applied for my masters so I can return to school and kind of have a social life still, since living at home Im a hermit as usual with no friends. For a good month after the original date i was supple to hear back from my masters I finally find out I got accepted BUT just 3 days before I accepted a job in my field with a good pay, but has 2-3 hour travel time to Toronto one way. I have till July 9th to decide on what I want to do about my masters. I want to keep my job and do both but its not possible, and i believe me going back to school would just be for the wrong reasons. To hang out wit the female friend, but that wont work my ex roommate has returned (joy).

I apologize for the long read, i knows its all over the place and full of error. Knowing me ill just delete and all and not post this if i try to correct it all.

Summary if you don't want to read.

- was the fat loner and teased while younger
- struggle to make friends
- nobody wants to talk to me, if they do its never anything nice
- hit a top weight of 257lbs and decide to lose weight in hope things would changed -- today I shit at 181lbs.
- things continued to stay the same
- Found a job after graduating while at the same time being accepted for my Masters
- Have until July 9th to decide if i want to accept it or not
- I still have no social life other than msn with a single friend.
- never had a GF or done anything with a female (kissing blah blah)
- currently 25 years old.

Not having a social life and being alone sucks, I have zero self confidence, I don't believe a single positive thing I hear about myself, I still feel fat and ugly.

blah end messy rant


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Postby Obayan » Thu Jul 01, 2010 7:56 pm

Hi. You came to a great place hon. Lots of really nice people here who genuinly care. I have found it to be a wonderful home to come to when in need and have made several very close friends here.

Sending you ((((big hugs)))


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Postby keluca » Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:28 am

Welcome to the forums :)
I will second everything Obayan has said
Please use this as a safe space for you to get everything out inside of holding it all in

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:58 am

Heya.... With the university situation (Master's), even if you don't accept now, aren't the applications good for like a year or more? ?? Just a question to you.

Also... I think losing weight is a great thing. Don't worry about the fact that people don't want to be near you. DO IT FOR YOU. Screw them. They are not worthy. I have the same problem as you. That's why I'm saying it. Stand firm in your resolve because at the end of the day, you will have to live with whatever it is that's affecting you, not them. At the end of the day, it is you whom people snicker at, not them.


I have some weight on myself and I find more and more, I am realizing that my current state is not good. It's not a question of whether it's pretty or not anymore; for me, it's that it's unhealthy and I don't want to suffer or get any sicker than I am. (My heart started giving me trouble. I'm too young for that at 26 yrs of age. Period.)

I'm about 180 when I should be about 120 or 130, unless I were into weightlifting. Go for it.

It might be worth keeping the job for now, not only for experience (especially if you don't have any or you have a minimal amount) but also for pay, in case you have loans or whatever....

See if like on the job you can't get leave later on to go back to school or something like that. Online??? etc.

Kudos for a job well done so far. Hi-fives! That's SO great! :-) Continue on! It might be a good idea to stop when you are at a healthier weight. (That's for me too.) With that done, you can concentrate on taking your slice of happiness.

About the gal, be friends with her, if that's what you want to do. However, move on from her and search for someone else. I think that would be best, but that's just my opinion. In the end, it is your decision and opinion that counts on your life!

Take care and once again, stand firm in your resolve.

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Postby Obayan » Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:43 pm

See, here is just a couple of the great people you will find on here to listen and help if they can.

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Postby Zahlen » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:30 pm

crystalgaze wrote:Heya.... With the university situation (Master's), even if you don't accept now, aren't the applications good for like a year or more? ?? Just a question to you. There's also no online option, that was one of the first things I asked about after finding out.

Also... I think losing weight is a great thing. Don't worry about the fact that people don't want to be near you. DO IT FOR YOU. Screw them. They are not worthy. I have the same problem as you. That's why I'm saying it. Stand firm in your resolve because at the end of the day, you will have to live with whatever it is that's affecting you, not them. At the end of the day, it is you whom people snicker at, not them.


I have some weight on myself and I find more and more, I am realizing that my current state is not good. It's not a question of whether it's pretty or not anymore; for me, it's that it's unhealthy and I don't want to suffer or get any sicker than I am. (My heart started giving me trouble. I'm too young for that at 26 yrs of age. Period.)

I'm about 180 when I should be about 120 or 130, unless I were into weightlifting. Go for it.

It might be worth keeping the job for now, not only for experience (especially if you don't have any or you have a minimal amount) but also for pay, in case you have loans or whatever....

See if like on the job you can't get leave later on to go back to school or something like that. Online??? etc.

Kudos for a job well done so far. Hi-fives! That's SO great! :-) Continue on! It might be a good idea to stop when you are at a healthier weight. (That's for me too.) With that done, you can concentrate on taking your slice of happiness.

About the gal, be friends with her, if that's what you want to do. However, move on from her and search for someone else. I think that would be best, but that's just my opinion. In the end, it is your decision and opinion that counts on your life!

Take care and once again, stand firm in your resolve.

From what I understand the offer is only until the 9th after that the opportunity goes to someone else, however, if i do accept it i could choose to start next may. I'll most likely keep the job, it's doing something i like to do and the people aren't bad, its very laid back.

Thanks, I would still like to lose more. Still have a gut, but I lack the motivation to do it, since I get nothing but negative responses.

She will probably remain a friend as she's been nothing but a great friend and i wouldn't want to lose that.

I'm usually the first to help others but struggle to help myself :/

Thanks for all the replies.

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Postby Obayan » Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:29 am

In helping yourself to be a better person and healthy, you are able to help others more. Try to do something nice for yourself hon.

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Postby Jeanne » Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:28 am


It sounds like she has been a good friend for you. She might be surprised that you like as much as you do. Either way, the experience has been good for you in a way. You have learned how to be a friend with someone. She has taught you how to share common experiences with another person, how to talk, and feel comfortable expressing you fears and hopes. These are all important tools to bring into a marriage someday. Even if she is not the one for you, she may be the one to prepare you for the one God has planned for you.

Take the job. Work experience enhances the masters. Do it all for the right reasons. Congrats on the weight loss. That takes a lot of self restraint and determination. Take care.


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Postby Zahlen » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:09 pm

Well it seems nothing will happen between the friend and I. We had a talk last night that ended up her saying she wasn't right for me and what not -- still unsure how it came up but she claims she knew since Christmas because i got her something she wanted, she says it was because I listened and thats how she knew. Sure was a awkward conversation.

I knew all along thats how it would go which is why I never made a move, but i just sucks more so hearing it from the person than just knowing it.

Were still good friends so it seems well.

lifes a b***h

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Postby Jeanne » Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:35 pm

You must be really hurting now. Sorry it didn't work out better for you.
Warm hugs, Jeanne

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:55 am

So sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to but isn't it better now knowing instead of tearing yourself apart inside trying to figure it out?

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Postby Zahlen » Tue Jul 06, 2010 5:50 am

Obayan wrote:So sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to but isn't it better now knowing instead of tearing yourself apart inside trying to figure it out?

yes & no, hard to say. I never really beat myself up thinking about it, it was just something I wished but knew wouldn't happen. While hearing just killed the glitter of hope one day possibly.

Just sucks wanting to talk to someone and the only person i ever did talk to is the same person :/

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:55 pm

You aren't alone Zahlen. We are here and we care about you.

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Postby Zahlen » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:12 pm

Obayan wrote:You aren't alone Zahlen. We are here and we care about you.

Thanks, but talking a forum isn't the same as 1 on 1 in some means of communication.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:31 pm

((((((((((((((( Zahlen )))))))))))))))

Hi, and good to see you posting.

You are right,
Thanks, but talking a forum isn't the same as 1 on 1 in some means of communication.

Still knowing someone is reading, taking me to heart, caring about me is. What people do here.

Take care


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