somebody care to listen to me?

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somebody care to listen to me?

Postby justsomegirlx0x03 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:56 pm

can anyone please help me.
I dont know whats left anymore, please help...?
I've been depressed for about a year now, im 16. Im cut myself practically everyday, i have all the symptoms for depression, and about 2 month ago, I've been having suicidal thoughts every week, and imagined myself over dosing on pills. Everything seems useless, i see absolutely no point of living, im not looking forawrd to anything at all. I have no one to talk to, yes i have friends, but im not close to them, i amways fake with them, pretanding im happy when im not. about 2 month ago i told my mom i need 2 see a therapist/psychologist , she called the family doctor and they said they have an appointment in 1 month. which will be in 2 weeks, but now i dont want to talk to the doctor, i just want to die. I cry every day. my parents dont care, they serioulsy dont, my mom was never there for me since i was born, and my dad is growing apart from me, i use to always count oh him, but these last few months, he donest acknoledge me. Not to mention my parents dont get along, they both cheated on each other. And i remember all those painful days. I dont know whats left anymore for me. Today i was looking of my past picture, and i was crying like hell. My past is the reason that led to my depression, i miss my home country, my whole family is there and we were rich. The reason we left is because we thought the eudcation would be better. But its the same. And whenever we go back for vacation, i feel like im finally home and when we come back to canada , i feel like crap. I mean i like canada, but i miss my home country. I used to be happy there. My dad also wants to go back , and my mom hates it, so thats why i didnt want to say anything, because of my mom. but she treats me like crap. please what am i suppose to do.

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Postby dandelion » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:35 pm

((((((((((((((((( justsomegirlx0x03 )))))))))))))))))))))) a hug for you friend

Hello justsomegirlx0x03,
I am glad that you are here, first about your self-harm, you need to be careful with that and if possible you need to stop doing it. Self-harm can be so addictive, i know this because i used to self harm when i was about your age, now i am 26. The scars are still visible and each time i look at it, it reminds me of my past and my mistakes and regrets, now i dont want you to experience what i am experiencing now. maybe when you feel like doing self-harm, try to distract your mind, like draw something, sing, dance, clean or anything, if you still feel like it, try to take an ice cube and just squeeze it with your hands.

You need to see you doctor, hang in there justsomegirlx0x03, two weeks more and you will get help, you are still young and you have a long road ahead of you, never give up, the road that you see now might only surrounded by dry desert, but keep walking, you will never know if there is an oasis filled with beautiful plants waiting for you. Im wishing you all the best, feel better soon and dont ever give up! be strong girl!


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Postby Mich » Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:49 pm

Hi - I am from Canada. I am sorry you are not happy here. Where is your home country? I suffer from self harming as well and sometimes I will wear an elastic band around my wrist and snap it hard when I feel like self harming. It often prevents me from doing harm. I am so glad you are getting in to see a doctor. Please go and talk to him/her. I am much much older than you are and wish I had gone for help when I was 16. Please take advantage of the help. You deserve to find happiness.

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Postby TackingIntoTheWind » Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:32 pm

I haven't experienced all the things that you have, so I hope that this post won't sound shallow.
However, I remember feeling so anxious and depressed and alone and desperate, and so utterly unable to see things ever getting anything but worse that I thought about ending my life, just to shut off those unbearable feelings. Thinking about that weekend in June, when I really was teetering on the edge still makes me afraid. However, I went to see my doctor on the Monday morning and that's what turned me around. It took me five months to get to where I am now, and I'm still so a work in progress. But, by the Grace of God, I have my life back, and I'm thankful for that.
So, please get through the next two weeks, and then see your doctor, and REALLY talk to him/her/them. They can't help you with anything that they don't know about.
Hang on, you can turn things around, if I can, so can you. I can guarantee that I'm all too fallible. I'm no stronger or wiser than you are. I just hung on long enough to see my doctor, talked to her and got help. The people who helped me had no magic powers, they just helped me to make small gradual changes in my life, in a way that helped me start to put my life together. Hopefully, your doctor will be able to start you on the same path, feeling, eventually, gradually, slightly better as you find a future for yourself that WILL be better than you can imagine now.
Good luck, and hang in there!

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Possible Trigger self-harm

Postby Monty » Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:23 pm

It is unfortunate that you are stuck in a country where it doesn't seem like any of your family wants to be in. I know the feeling of not being in the place that I want to be. It can be cruel.

I also have the scars of self-harm. They are on my lower arms so I am reminded of them quite frequently. I think that it is a good idea of dandelion of using an ice cube. For me, I think that might have been a viable alternative than using sharp objects.

I don't like to give advice but this one I give repeatedly. If you get the chance to see a doctor make sure that you tell them everything that is going on in you head that you can think of. They are the ones with the background that can (hopefully) get you on a better track than you are.

None of them are mind-readers. They can't guess about what you don't tell.

I guess that your appointment is in about a week. Post us and let us know how you are doing. We are always here to listen.

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